
I find coming across this whole conversation quite interesting, seeing as how I was just reading the other day how you have DIY Biohackers, finding different ways to use certain implants to simplify, alter their lives for the better, and how that has spawned a revived niche market, where companies are selling devices

Considering the fact that we’re already at a point where we can scan the sky around us for any indicators of fly-by meteors, and chasing/orbiting them with satellites. All we would need is the technology to efficiently capture, breakdown and harvest that material on the spot, get it ready for immediate use.

I actually quite love that idea.

Um..that “big blank box” isn’t blank. It shows the google maps location of where you caught that particular pokemon...

I am SO GLAD that someone else remembers Camelot. I actually thoroughly enjoyed that show and wanted to see more from it.

Guess what? You're thinking too much into it. Last I checked. Animated heroes don't have to eat. Not to mention, they're trying to make it look cool. Think about it. Most anime or animated show that has bikes, or some even remotely futuristic vehicle, the driver is damn near laying down if not actually doing so.

Dude... you are whining about this WAY too much. I've completely lost interest in reading this entire discussion primarily cause of your constant stubbornness to see reason. Trust me, I thought like you do too for the longest time. Actually, up until reading this article, and talking to a few friends about how many

LOL, oh how I miss Farscape...