
I was wondering that myself . . . thanks. They need to give us some options to move more things around.

I like this too, although the Google Calendar widget only works half the time and the Google Docs widget has never worked for me.

That's awesome. I wish I had those skills.

My apologies....I read "scariest" and skimmed right over the science fiction/fantasy aspect.

No one has mentioned the original Halloween. That one got to me the first time I watched it, and I always go back to it. It's the scenes in the light of day that freaked me out the most. Seeing Michael Myers drive by the school in that station wagon, or him stepping out of the bushes only to disappear (again, IN

Thanks for the reply. Slinbox was my first choice, but I was really looking for a wireless TV solution, rather than using a laptop. I'm going to check out the HDMI adapter. Thanks again.

I need something like this to set up a TV on my patio every once in a while. Does anyone know of a similar way to do this? I am a FiOS customer. My method right now is to run cable from my basement through the basement window (with those flat coax connectors) and out to the patio.

Is there any way to hide the Amazon Free App of Day regretful "purchases" that I made? They come back after you uninstall them. I hate opening up the Amazon App store and seeing that I have 10+ apps that need updating, only to realize they are the apps I have uninstalled.

Oh — also, you fry up the little piece of bread that you just cut out. Those little pieces are my kids' favorite part of the whole deal.

I don't want to mess with perfection, but you could combine this with what we call a "target:" cut out a medium-sized hole in the wonderbread, and drop the egg in there while you are frying.

No worries....it's just the internet. I'll try to prove you right this weekend with my fresh 18 pack of eggs and a new can of Pam.

There's no way you get it out in one piece w/o breaking the yolk. I guess you have to pour the whites in, and lightly grill the yolk separately on a frying pan.

Do any of these allow you to REPLY to an email or text? It doesn't appear that Google's Voice Actions does, after playing around with it for a while.

Does Latitude have GPS-based notifications? (serious question). I've been looking for one but everything on the market gets bad reviews for being a battery hog.

I was thinking the same thing re: new TV. I guess I need to start doing some reasearch. The only reason I got the Sony was because it was the largest size I could get that would fit into the crazy expensive TV cabinet my wife purchased a couple years prior. We couldn't justify getting rid of the cabinet at the

I can't get the Sony link to work. What's the deal if you have one of these? I assume I'm going to have to take it in for repair? Yeah, that's never happening. Or does Sony send you a Bravia-branded fire extinguisher.

And why is he wearing a coat?

Seriously, a $22k gratuity? How does that work exactly?

And then that old lady Ethel and her grandson Rusty called to say "god bless the Yankees, and baseball, and chairs . . ." but Francessa kept calling her "sir."

I was watching the Phillies blow a lead. Bye, Giz. I've had enough.