
Ivanka is actually the perfect American representation. Being pretty, blonde, and white with a rich daddy will take you to the top of the country for free.

Go fuck yourself.

It’s not really her fault; some idiot asked her about it. It’s not like she “chose to take this stance” by scheduling a press conference to announce she wouldn’t go. Someone interviewing her asked her a question, and she answered the question presented to her.

I’m not saying he posted kiddie porn. I’m saying he filmed a child using the restroom.

Well, Penny Arcade was close...

Sasha and Malia aren’t part of team New Nazi,  so yea, we’d be pretty mad.

LOL go back to Breitbart you concern-trolling ghoul. 

Shush you it's boring and you're repetitive. Who ungreyed this shit?

Nobody said women can’t be garbage, but who is more likely to beat, kill, or rape a woman OR a man? Another man. Who is historically responsible for the slave trade, colonization, racial genocides, and the limiting/abusing of people’s rights throughout history?? Men, especially the western white ones. Let’s not

He literally talked about being physically small and an easy target for bullying yet you still jump to the “big black man scary to white women” conclusion. Once again proving that men are trash is an accurate statement.

As a Black woman, I completely agree with you. There are of course bitchy, racist white women and etc, but in general women of all races tend to be better people then their men. I had some white female friends growing up, I NEVER had a white male friend and I don’t ever want to have one if I’m being honest. The last

“For a party that preaches tolerance, this once again demonstrates they have very little civility.”

That presumes Mexico counts as a safe third country, which is an assessment that fails even basic scrutiny. If you’re going to pop in and spew misinformation, at least pretend you’ve done the bare minimum to back up your bullshit.

“Reminder that” blah blah blah.

Sandy Hook didn’t move the needle a bit. What makes you think this would have the slightest impact on their evil black hearts?

You’re pretending like the two genders already exist on a level playing field. In a patriarchal society, that just isn’t true.

Because men are trash.

A quick read of the commenters history seems to point towards yet one more fucking TomatoFace account.

Bullshit we are not in the dark ages, even places in this country where physicians are sparse are still bound by legal and ethical codes of conduct. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day, helping one child who likely would have survived anyway given the glaring evidence of her ineptitude and lack of knowledge