
He didn’t advocate violence, he warned against it. It was a “Those who make peaceful change impossible instead make violent revolution inevitable” warning, though not in those exact words. It did encourage violent revolution by the oppressed proletariat to throw off the chains of their oppression, but it most

Oh boy. I don’t know how exactly to unpack that.

Actually, it wasn't. But it should be studied as well, on account of how influential the author was.

Beastmaster Rangers are just fine. They still wear medium armor, have D10 hit dice, get two attacks per round, get a fighting style, are half-casters with memorized spells, and have all of the perks that other Rangers have.

No, the argument is that “This feature is unsafe and provides extremely little value, therefore we should consider removing it.” Having a car start when nobody is directly in control of it is a risk.

It’s worth mentioning that in the world of D&D, elves frequently marry the children of close friends from the shorter-lived races. Part of the tragedy of that particular race revolves around their incredibly long lives, resulting in them outliving their lovers, their children, their grandchildren, and even their

That doesn’t mean that their incredibly influential works shouldn’t be studied.

If not, I encourage you to read The Communist Manifesto, which is about how a ghost called “communism” is haunting Europe. It’s pretty radical.

...You haven’t actually read The Communist Manifesto, have you?

Yet another strawman argument.

My microwave oven isn’t a several-thousand-pound mobile machine that is fully capable of killing someone.

My wife and I have no kids, but we also both made the decision to buy a Prius when we needed to get cars for our jobs. We live in a town with basically no mass transit, but we can’t move to another town due to specific circumstances in our lives.

Remote start is one of those “features” that shouldn’t exist. There is absolutely no useful reason for anyone to be able to start the motor of a vehicle when they are not physically inside said vehicle with direct access to the control surfaces.

Not anymore. Times have changed. Modern society is complacent and anesthetized.

Oof. No thanks.

Oatly is definitely the best brand. They have three versions:

Do NOT leave a $50 tip for a single pour of scotch. That’s utterly insane.

My Google Pixel 1 decided to die on me two weeks ago. I have no explanation for this — I babied the phone and never dropped or damaged it. It just decided that it wouldn’t bootstrap anymore, and no amount of factory reloading or sideloading new OS builds fixed the problem.

Well, I don’t know what cars you might mean beyond the ones you cited (which I have never tried to purchase or help someone purchase), but I have never had a dealership refuse cash. Most of them have incentives to cash transactions, often in the form of thousands of dollars in discount or rebates.

I mean, okay. My white, female, elderly mother-in-law isn’t exactly in the exporting demographic.