

You probably believe that the only role that qualifies as an executive is the C-suite, right?

“Tired” is an excellent way to describe my own state of mind.

How is this even possible in this day and age?

Holy crap I just read this. It’s utterly terrifying.

The pay for the jobs at the Amazon HQ2 was estimated to average a salary of $120k annually. The city of New York was throwing all sorts of tax exemptions and subsidies in an effort to attract Amazon to the city, despite the fact that the subway trains are in HORRIBLE shape and in desperate need of maintenance.

I lost a beta Mox Sapphire, Ancestral Recall, Time Walk and Time Twister when I had a deck stolen at a tournament at Neutral Ground in New York. The police caught the thief thanks to security video footage, but I never got my deck back because he had already sold it.

This is terrible news, but bittersweet in a way. She died doing what she loved and excelled at; we all have to die some day and that’s not a terrible way to go.

The law doesn’t care about your opinion. There is a process to follow. The “suspicion” of a CBP officer isn’t enough — there is an actual process to refuse entry, and it doesn’t appear to have been followed here.

If you are an immigration attorney, you will know that the CBP has to provide cause to overturn a visa. You would know that the judgement of the CBP officer isn’t good enough — there is actually a form they have to fill out in which they need to detail their cause and include evidence, if available.

He’s just a mouthpiece for the baby boomer generation, who have systematically destroyed pristine environments in their insane pursuit of wealth and profits despite a full understanding of exactly the amount of harm they are causing.

According to the Crimson, Ajjawi—who was attending Harvard on a scholarship awarded by the international education non-profit AMIDEAST...

SURELY this is fake news, right? There’s NO WAY the President of the United States would suggest that we could stop a hurricane, which is a force of nature frequently spanning hundreds of miles, by hitting the eye of the storm with an atomic weapon. I mean, that sounds like a something a character in a B-level dumb

Not necessarily. Once you have stopped eating animal products for a long enough period of time, your body stops producing the enzymes necessary to digest them properly. That means that the animal fat in the oil that soaks into the breading can give you quite the upset stomach.

More stuff like this please.

This game looks absolutely amazing, and I’m sure I’ll never play it.

While America did bring the terrorist attacks of 9/11 on itself, the people who died didn’t deserve their fate. The vast majority of them were just ordinary workers going about their day; they did not “deserve” to die any more than the ordinary people just going about their day in Afghanistan “deserve” to die in a

Good riddance.

...What the hell does Veganism have to do with Socialism?

The only RGB I have on my computer is on my keyboard. I have different areas of the keyboard colored differently (along with specific coloring for the WASD keys) to make everything easier to find on a glance.