I haven’t liked Pelosi for years now. She only cares about her seat. She’s a career politician who has forgotten that the purpose of her job is to represent the will of the voters.
I haven’t liked Pelosi for years now. She only cares about her seat. She’s a career politician who has forgotten that the purpose of her job is to represent the will of the voters.
Okay, sure. Someone kicked in your front door. That’s really unusual. Source: I worked for the Sheriff’s Office and the State Attorney’s Office in my city for over 8 years; I actually know the crime statistics pretty well.
I am sure that Rep. Ocasia-Cortez wakes up every morning knowing that she is in danger. I’m sure that she understands that there are people in America — the very citizens that she has been tasked with representing — who are plotting her murder right now.
“Kicking down the front door”...?
This whole situation is utterly heartbreaking. There is no reason that Lauren McCluskey shouldn’t still be with us. The University should have taken steps to help her get a restraining order and provide protection for her. It wouldn’t have even been that difficult, as they weren’t dealing with a random stalker who…
This article could be titled “Picture Documentary of the Most Beautiful People on the Planet Wearing Awesome Outfits”.
You and I would have been at the Academy at the same time. I was Class of ‘99, 30th company (it started out as 36th before the consolidation). I lived on 8-4, in the room all the way to the back, literally as far away from anything as you could get.
Fuck yeah! Ignorance for the win!
There’s a picture of two kids with $3,800 worth of caviar and 24 carat gold smeared on their faces.
I mean, all you have to do is drink out of the toilet tank, which is 100% sanitary, and then you can do your business and get your water in the same place. That’s efficiency at work!
Trump is a complete and utter moron who is only keen on fast food hamburgers. He isn’t playing 4th dimensional chess; he’s just a narcissistic idiot.
A cell meant for a maximum of 35 held 155 adult males with only one toilet and sink. The cell was so crowded the men could not lie down to sleep. Temperatures in the cells reached over 80 degrees, the report said.
As a former military member, I’d like to say:
Life in Aggro hits a little too close to home.
I always expected the republicans in this state to oppose the re-enfranchisement of, well, ANYBODY, but to do so with a poll tax of all things is baffling. It’s a completely transparent move by a political party that just can’t seem to be bothered with conniving anymore.
100MPH never “sneaks up on me” in my 2013 Prius!
Fools and their money...
Warning: Elfen Leid is incredibly disturbing nightmare fuel.
What the fuck does “straight pride” even look like?
Ah yes, the third-world nation of Alabama. It has zero redeeming qualities whatsoever, and even that song about it is terrible.