
What the fuck does “straight pride” even look like?

Ah yes, the third-world nation of Alabama. It has zero redeeming qualities whatsoever, and even that song about it is terrible.

It’s time for Twitch to drop all pretense of caring about the content shoveled onto their platform. They are a for-profit company that cares only about the almighty dollar and if their streamers break the law and all guidelines of decency in the process of making money, well that’s just another day in America.

I loved ActRaiser. It was the first game I played on the SNES.

Male culture teaches men that they need to be an aggressive asshole to be masculine or respected.

Ha! The girls were bigger than I was when I was young. I’ve never been particularly strong and I’m certainly not intimidating. My sports of choice have always been endurance-based, like long-distance running or cycling. I had to be paired with female classmates for Judo at the Naval Academy, and my boxing partners

Why the hell does this woman still have a microphone? A show like this doesn’t need a lone dissenter, especially one that refuses to discourse in good faith. Fire her!

Shit like this is why I refuse to register as a Democrat and maintain my NPA. The legacy of the Democrat party is that of failure at all levels — Federal, state and local.

I mean, she’s not wrong. Men are just horrible.

AMERICA had fucking CONCENTRATION CAMPS during WWII as well. People of Japanese descent — even natural born AMERICAN CITIZENS — were imprisoned there for no good reason. Follow-on investigation by the US government after the war determined that there was no evidence-based reason for illegally imprisoning the victims

Virgin alert.

Uh... if I’m reading this correctly, that’s not just “sexual assault”, that’s rape.

This is a good decision by Microsoft.

Why don’t we take $6 billion out of our defense budget — that’s a 1% reduction — and spend that money to provide assistance, education, and medical care to these immigrants and, hell, our own citizens? We can offset those expenditures even further by disbanding ICE and eliminating deportation dockets, freeing up more

Anyone who ever served time.

Want to try wine but don’t want something sour or bitter? Want something that goes with anything but a cream or butter sauce? Something that even goes well with desert?

How are these not concentration camps, again? Not only do they meet the literal definition, they are also meeting the thematic definition.

Wait... people hate this game?

The only party that anyone should throw for Huckabeen Sanders is a blanket party.

...Your first reference supports the argument that since Trump took office a great number of immigration courts have begun to turn away qualified asylum requests that would have been accepted as little as two years ago (in 2017).