
They almost never mire themselves in morality issues such as this one.

Eh, I’m not sure how boycotting companies who happen to reside in Georgia is going to have an impact. The law in question will already make life more difficult for companies in the state because it will make it harder to recruit — people may not want to move themselves or their family to state with such draconian

That’s EXACTLY how I have my UI configured. Even then, raids can be quite exhausting despite the “limited” effects.

Gah! The visual effects in this game as so noisy! It’s impossible to tell what is going on through all the flashing and particle effects. The Dancer’s effects are particularly obnoxious.

I think the problem with these guys is psychological, not physiological. Not every guy is going to be drop-dead gorgeous, but if you are in your 20's and you put in effort to stay in decent shape (no, you don’t need a 6-pack), you are going to be attractive to decent cross-section of the populace.

Something like this happened to a friend of mine years ago. She refused to anything the cop said until he put his gun back into the holster. She told the cop that they were going to stay like that — with his gun trained on her and her hands in the air out of window of her car — frozen in time forever until he put his

Burger King is shit food. All of the vegans that I know — and I know a LOT of them since I run a vegetarian society in my town — don’t eat there because they care about what they are eating.

You’re wrong. Vegetarians and vegans are one of the primary audiences for these products; they are also the ones most likely to try and buy them when they first hit the shelves.

I’ve worked with both of these burgers before.

Mac: Hi there, I’m a Mac!
PC: And I’m a PC!
Mac: Hey there, PC... what are you doing?
PC: Playing a video game.
Mac: Really? Which one?
PC: All of them.

What a beautiful couple!

...Yes? A lack of political representation was one of reasons. So was the bunkering of troops in private residences, excessive taxes and levies, and a whole host of other laws that were specific only to the colonies.

Gods, another completely irrelevant example.

What an inane example.

I mean, there are something like four Supreme Court cases that contradict your interpretation. It took me less than two minutes on Google to find them.

By “State” it means foreign governments, not other states in the Union.

One person, one vote.

The question is being asked the wrong way.

What a great little interview. Thanks for investing the time it took (which was significant, I’m sure) to secure and prepare for a phone interview that lasted what seems like 5-10 minutes at most. This is great information for people who want more insight on how or government is handling fiddly little matters like

I can’t help but think that the right answer is to honor the request of the person asking you to write their name the correct way. Whenever someone calls me by my last name or addresses a letter to me by my last name (which happens a lot because I know a lot of Arabic and Japanese people) I gently correct them because