
Make no mistake: this is all intentional. The people who take words out of context to perpetrate bad-faith, disingenuous attacks via social media are well aware that their audience only gets their news from right-wing noise machine echo chambers and perform zero fact-checking on the fake news that they read.

The sooner that any and all aspects of health care are no longer for-profit endeavors the faster the better.

The hell it is.

Because it’s not about solving a problem. It’s all about punishing poor people -- so much the better if they are minorities.

Stop charging children for lunch.

Wait... you aren’t supposed to eat on the train?

I mean, nobody should give a fuck what you have parked in your driveway as long as it’s functional and not a safety hazard (both of which are not allowed under the vast majority of city ordinances). Of course, if someone DOES have a vehicle like that it’s a code enforcement issue, not a C&R issue.

If Neil is a leftist then I’m so far out in left field that I’m not even in the ballpark anymore.

Come on, now. Cut the poor corporate salary-fed drone who had to deal with this situation some slack. Terminating someone for cause (which is definitely what happened here) is not something that can be managed in minutes — HR needs to get involved and ensure that the termination communication is properly worded.

It’s looking great!

Since we are in Florida we don’t deal with snow... but we do deal with hurricanes. Since I worked for the City for 8 years I understand the importance of taking care of the stormwater system and the retention ponds, but it’s expensive to do so — hence dues.

The one that let’s you fuck right off with your bullshit.

Like I said, you can just lien their property so they can’t sell it until the dues are paid. I’m not sure what your expenses are, but we have some significant ones since we are responsible for maintaining our stormwater system and retention ponds, maintaining our right-of-way on the roads, and caring for an Indian

Wallace is fine! You don’t have to make him the centerpiece of the adventure. In fact, the module doesn’t explicitly state that he takes credit for everything; I think that was a little change that Puffin Forest made when he told it to troll his players.

Ha! I’m not even sure. I bought it so long ago that all the lettering and measuring markings have worn off the glass. I bought it at The Sharper Image! Remember that place?

It’s no problem soap and water can’t fix. Just soak it for a bit and spray some soap and water through the spray bottle itself.

Wait, wait, wait... It’s been a popular and commonly-accepted fan theory (in my headspace as well) that Cap has been “worthy” for quite some time, and in the Age of Ultron scene where he moves the hammer he didn’t pick it up intentionally. Specifically, when he realized that he COULD lift it (hence it moving), he

Don’t beat yourself up. Just getting by in a late-stage capitalist economy takes an enormous amount of time and effort. You can’t be faulted for putting your needs and the needs of your loved ones before the health and welfare of the nation.

Children dying to absolutely avoidable gun violence? Must be another day in America.

Republicans in Florida absolutely despise the fact that the amendment that restores voting rights to convicted felons after the serve their sentence passed with such an overwhelming majority. Since the minute the results were revealed they started looking for ways to overturn the will of the voters, which is a