
But then if you argue that point, it is admitting the rarity of the incidents might suggest we dont really need to add gun control to stop them, especially since it wont stop them or probably even reduce them.

This was a drastic and clear violation of the 4th Amendment... all caught on video.

This is always the correct response to this level of bullshit.

Plea deal, most likely.

He doesn’t deserve to live.

You are presuming that the labor is in the position to go without pay. That is most often not the case.

You have only your pretty lies to lose.

Yes, it is. You just need to decide what’s more important, your values or your family.

Because my whole life is here.

You’re such an infamous troll that normally I wouldn’t bother to reply to you, but you present such an obviously inane yet common statement that I just can’t help myself:

I live in Florida (Jacksonville of all places...) and am friends with teachers who work at both public and private schools (they play D&D with me).

It’s amazing how well this game holds up until today, despite missing the ability to jump. The graphics still look decent (during gameplay; the illusion breaks down up close) and the gameplay is still very solid and challenging.

Our shields cannot handle awesomeness of this magnitude!

It doesn’t have to be the candidates we already have.

1. Knock that “establishment” shit off. It’s impossible to be taken seriously when you say that.

Both of these people are old so their perspectives are old. They are also white and male and thus will have difficult relating to the concerns of, as an example, minority families struggling in the inner city.

That’s a fantastic explainer article for macroeconomics that should be fairly common knowledge for anyone with even the barest education in the subject. The relationship between sustaining labor and providing labor is inseparably entangled, and governments that understand this take steps to ensure that capital

Awesome. A political fight between two old (very old) white men.

Holy crap, you’re denser than Osmium.

As I keep reminding everyone who complains about the “floaty”: