
The better question would be “Where would they find the contractors?”

Sarcasm? Or are you actually hoping that America becomes a military dictatorship?

Because some of us (me) own businesses that have clients who expect us to show up in person for the launch meeting of an $8 million project, but the headquarters is in Oregon and I live in Florida.

I played Overwatch for quite some time. My favorite characters were Tracer and Reaper.

Oh great. I’m one of the people who accessed it, mostly because someone else I knew had the link and I was curious.

Just murder Ajit Pai (he won’t be missed), burn down the FCC (it won’t be missed), and create a new agency run by people who actually have education and experience in telecommunications and internet security.

Huh. I didn’t have that issue, and I was playing on PC.

People tailgate the shit out of my Prius.

So, some pointed feedback on Anthem:

It doesn’t play at all like Destiny.

What? I never said anything of the sort. I said that they weren’t presumed because they were still quite unusual — especially in the deep South where my wife and I grew up.

The people making $10 million or more annually will be fine, I think.

I’ve witnessed this first-hand on account of my beautiful wife.

Don’t expect companies to pay for training for the workers they are downsizing. They will do the bare minimum necessary to comply with the law and send those workers packing.

The same thing happened to me.

As a company owner, she’s absolutely correct.

1. Make lobbying illegal.
2. Campaign finance reform.
3. Better oversight of government spending on the military-industrial complex.

Yeah, that’s what’s going to happen. These ultra-wealthy are just going to close up shop and leave everything that earns them their ultra-wealth because they are upset at the tax rate.

Okay, that makes more sense now.