
No wonder she didn’t reveal her last name. Just look at the shitstorm over revealing her first name.

Someone did this in Jacksonville to the charging stations that are actually used by the Tesla dealership to charge their test drive cars.

Being a police officer is dangerous, skilled labor.

This is a reminder to those out there who believe that government employees don’t do anything.

They fired the employees in question and issued a very public apology. That’s as good as saying out loud “sue us for damages”.

You are dumb as hell.

Make no mistake: Trump wants a war. He wants to be a wartime President.

I would be surprised if the property owner didn’t have to show cause for trespass. Because trespassing is an actual civil infraction.

They could have done their job and investigated the situation.

I prepared cases for court and testified as an expert witness on multiple occasions. I worked directly with State Attorneys and police officers in the execution of their duties.

Yeah, I did. It was all caught on video, and there are security cameras in the lobby. The guest was acting perfectly normal until he was unnecessarily accosted by a security guard on a power trip.

I supported the Sheriff’s Office in three ways:


Correct. That’s why they should use their training to de-escalate the situation, specifically by mediating between the two parties.

Oh just pike off with the strawman arguments. Seriously, it’s incredibly transparent and inane.

This is not correct. Almost none of what you said is correct. How can so many people not understand their basic rights?

Your house and a public business are two completely different things. So is a movie theater and a hotel.

Didn’t take long for the racists apologists to show up.

I actually worked for the Sheriff’s Office in my town.

Wait... so they escorted him to his room to get his things? How do they use trespassing as an excuse after doing something like that?! He was obviously a paying guest at that point!