
Yep. My wife and I are childfree and so happy because of it. We started dating when we were in 10th grade, over 26 years ago. We married right after graduating from college, over 19 years ago. Even after all this time we are each other’s best friend. I don’t think we have ever had anything that could be called a

I get your point. In fact, you’re probably right about Titan’s failure being the leverage Activision needed to start exerting control over Blizzard.



As an application developer project manager, my take is that Blizzard took the right step with Titan; the misstep would have been to not recognize an impending disaster, fall victim to “sunk cost fallacy”, and release a sub-par game.

Why did the coach and the team not stand up (or walk out) for their teammate?

American aristocracy is the worst. They have everything and still want more.

Let’s get something clear here:

My wife enjoys the act and has stated so to me. Similarly, I enjoy going down on her.

Now playing

That’s a whole lot of guess, conjecture, and ignorance wrapped up into one post.

Hey, I get you. I might be a little biased since I’ve been DM’ing D&D games for decades now and Planescape has long been my favorite setting. Seeing everything come to life in a CRPG was an unforgettable experience, and the storytelling really nailed the feeling of traveling to completely alien realms of existence and

Please tell me that you played Planescape: Torment.

As someone who doesn’t have children, I’d like to assure you that it is possible to respect people and understand the various challenges they have to overcome without having to actually create a human being beforehand.

This is infuriating. I dealt with a lot of racism as a child, largely because I went to a school where I was one of the very few minorities and it was the late 80's and early 90's.

I don’t know of a single DA that cares about victims. What they care about is protecting their record of convictions. If they feel there is a case that they don’t have a 100% chance of winning they often won’t prosecute.

Uh... A great many states have laws that allow two young people to date as long as there is no more than 4 years of age difference between them.

Oh goodness, anime fans. We can be so protective of our memories.

I mean... yeah. It’s Chuck Todd. Certainly you didn’t expect much more out of him than this?

So, I’m pretty old. As a black man, I’m used to hearing this insult.

This is insane. She should be given a medal for freeing herself from slavery and ridding the world of a horrid parasite.