
I know the people at Orlando Food Not Bombs (an amazing organization that has repeatedly won tough legal fights) and they will be the first to tell you that this is how it starts.

Yeah, but it would be memorable.

This is a “watch while stoned out of your freakin’ gourd” kind of film.

I liked the trailer and now I don’t know what’s real anymore.

Ha! Seriously? That’s very... unfortunate.

I was thinking the EXACT same thing. I actually had to expand the picture to ensure that my eyes weren’t playing tricks on me!

Obviously a hate crime.

Here’s an easy solution:

I would almost welcome an Old God rising to annihilate humanity. We have proven that we don’t deserve to be here.

I find it unfathomable that a politician would be trying to stop a legally mandated recount of votes and there isn’t a public outrage and immediate calls for that candidate to step down from the race.

Well, that’s a new one. I didn’t realize that malls had dress codes beyond being fully clothed and wearing shoes.

Wow. Those Faux News taking heads sound like the bratty rich girl in your grade school class that literally looks down her nose at you and scoffs because your parents can’t afford to buy you an iPhone.

This is good news, but Gillium shouldn’t have conceded in the first place. Democrats are far too nice, and they need to start fighting.

I hope Trump dies in a fire.

My main concern is that other people care combined with my other main concern that America is quite violent these days.

Because I decided it is.

God that sounds stressful. I wish you well. It seems to me that raising a child is such a massive challenge, and here you’re having to jump through hoops just to get to the starting line.

I mean... yes, I know that.

Honest, no-snark question here:
