
That’s not my call to make. If you’re a terrible person people will demonize you. If you pitch your lot in with the Gamergates, the anti-SJW crowd, or terrible people in general, people will think that you’re terrible.

As a former Navy officer, I believe that the Army is spot-on here: they have a legal order to provide support, but they aren’t allow by law to enforce immigration. It’s also against U.S. and international law to interfere with a person who is attempting to make a claim of asylum, regardless of how they arrive.

There’s a common theme here:

This is a bad take and you should feel bad.

I know it’s a make believe world, but it does sound funny now that I read that.

It’s good that you recognize your regrets, but don’t internalize that too much. Just get involved.

I’m not being disingenuous. I was being facetious and/or sarcastic.

Please stop being disingenuous. The move was done at the height of the LGBTQ civil rights controversy. It was (and still is) risky to upset the Gamer applecart by even appearing to be the least bit “SJW” because the angry white dudes who think that gaming is a hobby that belongs to them turn out in force to shout down

I think it’s a little ridiculous to knock Overwatch’s diversity. They have really gone out of their way to include a broad spectrum of cultures, and they continue to produce heroes that were obviously designed with inclusivity in mind. They even made the game’s mascot (Tracer) a lesbian, backing up the statement that

Some places are better than others. You could say that about almost anywhere.

FaceBook is a cesspool. I mean, it’s always been a horrible way to waste time, but it’s just plain awful now.

I have a lot of family in India. Also in the Caribbean.

So, I know we live in weird times, but this is an exceptionally weird problem to have.

This isn’t something that you can do. You can’t just flex military might to blockade a port because you don’t like that nation. It’s literally an act of war to do so.

Trump just has no command of the English language; this is an obvious result of the mental degradation that he’s suffering in advancing age. If you watch interviews of him from the 80's he was eloquent — still hateful, but the point stands.

Sounds like a classic case of killing the goose laying golden eggs.

I’m going with the “I don’t care, but pick one and go with it forever camp”.

Well, yes. For better or for worse, it’s their service (Google Chrome, that is), so they get to make the ultimate decision.


My skin crawls every time he starts talking about Ivanka. The things he says about her are just not normal.