
What Marvel did is utterly inexcusable. They have absolutely zero class in handling these situations. Their entire executive team needs to be replaced with people who understand how modern culture functions.

Crossovers and SUVs are less safe than sedans, in general. They don’t score better than the safest sedans in any of the collision tests and they score worse in rollover and stability tests.

1st and Neutral:

The Federal Tax Incentive literally just helped my solidly middle class household replace a gas-guzzling 2008 Chevy Malibu (real-world fuel economy of 21 MPG) with a 2018 Prius Prime Advanced. Without the incentive the vehicle cost $33k out the door; with the $4500 tax rebate we were able to keep the costs under our

Hold up... you’re making about $14k annually?

Your taxes do not rise when someone else gets a deduction via an government incentive program.

My wife and I worked together at a private university for two years; she was the Director of Admissions and I was the Director of Operations — an organization that supports Admissions, among other departments. While we were equals in terms of rank, she typically tasked me with projects, which my organization then had

With Republicans, it’s over when the courts rule that they lost.

I love the new anti-gravity superpowers that Ms. Biles has been developing in her downtime. Those powers combined with her super-strength, super-speed, and complete lack of fear will certainly give her an edge in the next Olympics.

It’s good that America has progressed past the Red Scare of the 1950s.

“Communists”? Really? Did I magically get transported back to the 1980's of my childhood, where people were actually scared of the Soviet Union and “Communist” was used as a derogatory epithet?

I hope this backfires magnificently on him. He probably thinks that nobody will come forward with evidence of his shitty behavior after the most recent Supreme Court Confirmation Hearings circus, but I have a feeling that the victims will actually be emboldened.

The difference is that people are actually betting the wealth and, in some cases, their businesses on a buzzword.

You can’t fault me for being a little upset. Waiting another 5 years was the difference between me having a nice little windfall and paying off my house in entirety.

I get ya. I haven’t bought any crypto in a long time. I still have a mining rig running, but it’s not really for profit generation as much as personal research.

I reported it and paid capital gains taxes on it, complete with proof of original and final transaction.

That would be kinda cool, actually.

I bought 7 bitcoins a long, long time ago, back when they were worth $15 each. Mostly I was just interested in how the process of acquiring them worked, and I also contributed to the mining of one of them for kicks.

I’ve poured an amazing number of hours into this unreleased game.

I’ll defer to you on that. Perhaps the problem is that he acted too much like a Trini instead of a Jamaican, because his mannerisms reminded me a lot of my own family — which is from Trinidad, not Jamaica. The islands are close and I have a lot of family who live in Jamaica, but there are definite differences.