
I mean, I went to college and I was also in the Navy.

Have you considered that you simply married the wrong individual?

Hey yeah, thanks for the pedantry. Great contribution to the discussion!


The whole world knows that this Kavanaugh jackass lied under oath. Everyone is plainly aware of the meaning of these rather common sexual slang terms.

Ha! That’s just horrible.

It certainly IS dangerous to be a young man in America... if you are black or Hispanic. Nobody gives you the benefit of the doubt and white people presume that they can accost you and accuse you and call the police on you for any perceived transgression. And heaven help you when the police show up! Immediately getting

I mean... sure. It’s okay to have opinions. There’s not many people that would describe BMW as a low-maintenance or reliable brand. They have a reputation as tightly-wound and high-maintenance for a reason, after all. This isn’t to say that they make bad cars, but they take a lot of work to maintain.

Have you ever dated the mild-mannered librarian before? As someone who married one of those “mild-mannered” girls, let me assure you that they are frequently someone who is completely different behind closed doors.

Wait... how can representatives overturn a direct ballot measure? That doesn’t seem like it should be legal, given that a ballot measure is the direct voice of the citizens.

Alright, honest question:

Yeah, so I’m a 41-year old black man who has interacted with a reasonable number of women over the course of my life. I haven’t been friends with all of them and it’s fair to say that a good amount of them didn’t like me at all.

Ah, yes! It’s the bold “Is Trump secretly brilliant and playing 8th-dimensional Chess?” take.

I mean, it’s nice and all but I can’t think of a solid reason to buy this car.

It would be interesting to see Amazon pivot into a corporate that becomes a market leader for worker’s rights.

The business I own has a client who uses overseas development — a team based in India (their project management resources are in America; it’s a good setup). Back in August, at the critical juncture of their largest project ever, India was hit with the worst storm in a century, flooding the nation, killing many people

I’m not sure what emotion you were attempting to convey with your statement, but it comes across as jealousy.

I have to agree. It’s cheap. It’s ubiquitous. It has an excellent selection of flavors.

I have to agree. It’s cheap. It’s ubiquitous. It has an excellent selection of flavors.

My Prius Prime Advanced has a massive touchscreen that also controls almost all of the car’s functions. There are very few buttons and no knobs, much like the Tesla.