
I didn’t realize it, but I didn’t think you were being serious either. I wasn’t venting at you so much as just venting.

The skating rink on the other side of town has one of these machines. It’s got to be over 25 years old at this point, because I remember playing it when I would go roller skating with my wife-then-girlfriend... in 1993 when we were in 11th grade.

I wasn’t raised by a single mother, but I graduated from Annapolis and was a decorated sailor (Annapolis doesn’t produce soldiers; graduates are sailors or marines). Now I run my own successful business, which I didn’t obtain by combat trial, but... you know, close enough.

In matters of government (and so many other things...), intent doesn’t matter as much as outcomes.

The FISA has been used for a litany of unconstitutional abuses of power since the poorly-named Patriot Act. Both should be ended immediately.

This is not correct. As someone who actually supports two companies that audit insurance claims, in the case of a category 3 flood any goods in the store meant for consumption and sanitation, including toiletries such as toilet paper, cannot be sold. If the store floods, the vast majority of products in the store are

Her corporate masters will be very disappointed at this failure.

I used to drive a silver Chevy Malibu, which was a cop car of choice here in Jacksonville, and my friends are glad that I’m rid of it now for the same reason.

Can you set your TV to alert you every time it’s started and disable it from your cell phone?

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

As you said, your family is still dead. Despite all the years the murderer spent in prison, they are still dead.

So your answer is: “No, there’s no point in trying to rehabilitate some people.”

Miss Michigan looks exactly like my next door neighbor’s daughter. It’s uncanny.

Counter counterpoint: Man, those citations were from a long-ass time ago.

This was an excellent palate cleanser after reading a story about Trump’s stupid tweets.

As a company owner, I can confirm that the incoming young workforce has been scared shitless at their prospects. I’m certain it’s a result of the Millennials struggling so much from entering the workforce in the middle of the Great Recession and then seeing their prospects stripped away from them by greedy, heartless

Wildstar is a great game with a fantastic IP, but it leaned a little too hard into the “hardcore” endgame. It’s fine to have a hardcore endgame, but you need to have other things to do as well.

This is a brilliant essay. I can't wait to read the others!

I use Chrome for everything but watching Netflix videos, because for some reason you can only play Netflix in HD on Microsoft Edge.