
No, she wants just the opposite, you ghoul: to be left alone.

Wasn’t the accused man brought into the country on a migrant farm worker visa and then overstayed?

No, we don’t need pricing transparency. There’s no reason to care about the dramatically over-inflated prices that are currently being charged.

See, here’s the thing:

How is it that we don’t have a mechanism for prosecuting corrupt politicians who wield our nation’s own laws against the electorate?

This would be a beautiful beginning. A first step on the path towards the America that everyone thinks America is.

The most interesting things about EVE have nothing to do with actually playing EVE.

This has been proven to be bullshit. Advertisements very rarely change minds about anything at all.

Oh, really? The guy vaping like an asshole on the Congressional floor is corrupt to the core? And having an affair, funded by campaign donations?

Isn’t embarrassing your child publicly at every opportunity — in a corny, non-threatening manner — basically the job of every father?

Yeah, she’s a complete asshole and there’s nothing funny about this.

Oh just go get bent.

No, unions end up being adversarial, but they don’t have to be. A negotiation is not, as a result of its very nature, an adversarial process — it can and should be consultative and collaborative. You shouldn’t confuse compromise with conflict, though a negotiation can turn into conflict if one or both parties feels

Mars is a moonshot(??) that’s a little out of our reach right now.

Yeah, I hear you. I run my own company now because I just couldn’t stand the institutional incompetence that I dealt with at so many of the other companies that I worked for. It’s especially hard being a project manager in a company where the leadership thinks they know what they are doing and won’t listen to the very

I don’t know... if I was in charge of such a project (which I’m not!) I would encourage a location that has more amenities: warm, sandy beaches; well-established shopping and dining locations; breathable atmosphere.

Ha! God, I hope so...

The Beaches are damn expensive. I live about 15 minute inland from them, which feels right both in terms of housing prices and chances of getting washed out by a hurricane.

Beware of Fox News anchors lurking in shadows! If they hit you with a claw attack you have to make a DC10 Constitution save or be paralyzed for a minute, during which time they will feast on your still-living flesh.

This isn’t true.