
Is it just me or does “Ecoboost” sound too politically correct? A race car is a race car...enough of the names already. Racing has always been about power and endurance not just for the machine but the driver(s). It will be the Ford GT’s (reincarnation only) first try at Le Mans and everyone is already giving them the

I have a 2015 Chrysler 200 and that’s exactly how it works. If I used the manual mode, I can’t get 9 unless I’m above a certain speed (100kph). I never use anything above 6 in the city but let me you tell it kicks ass going through 7 gears when I floor it. I still don’t see the point of more than 6 gears manual or

I was going to say SS3 as the waves don't crest high enough but like you said, small ship. I did several cruises aboard a 330ft long frigate and this was just a roller coaster ride. We encountered SS5 several times in the North Sea...now THAT'S A JOYRIDE!!!

First, I wouldn't wear leather skinny jeans and second I'd buy anything with a manual since my ol' ball and chain never wanted to learn to drive a stick so I haven't had one in years.

Laughed at the swearing in French. Sounded like the Merovingian in the Matrix. Hilarious.

I wish he'd get off my planet!!! We'd all be safer

Just too add...this has got to be the worst stunt ever. It's not funny...it's scary

Ok, now I'm scared!!! Our gene pool is toast, gone, polluted....DEAD!!! We are doom as a species. But man what a ride that would be. Someone needs to take a Bugatti up that ramp at full speed.

That was boring...tell us something we don't already know. If the P1 is that good, let's see the stats on a track, times, road use, track use, how it feels, a detailed walk-around, open it up (inside and engine bay)...I WANT MORE!!! I need to dream well tonight!!!

How does it feel to lose the pole by a tenth?

Have mine in a 200 with 286hp with 72,000km and it still pulls like a mad dog with 30mpg highway!!! Never heard of it being unreliable...neither has my dealer.

Pebble Blue

And that's what the media and law enforcement pounces on. Today with people with cell phone glued to their empty heads, no wonder libtards are having a field day. I just stay off busy or main highways and find the back roads (in the country that is) when I need to go anywhere.

This this and that other scene...the whole movie was car drive

WOW!!! What a sweet sounding motor...anyone knows what he's running?

The Neon for what it's worth, was good beater to have. I never had one but I knew several people who did and rarely did I hear any complaints about it because they knew what they bought and it served the purpose it was intended to be. However, your quote on the 200 being a clone of the Sebring...now that I have to