
“some” emails? Visit any comment section and you’ll see that this sampling is quite indicative of the mentally inbred fuckstains who support and adore Dump. The electorate is a bunch of morons who will believe anything their right wing media spoon feeds them.

The irony here is that you’d think these people would be tickled to death that their lil’ Dictator wannabe won... right? Nope. They’re just as angry as they ever were and still blaming “the liberals” for everything.

You realize that when people have the anonymity of the internet and don’t have to actually, you know, deal with a person face to face that they let their true feelings out, right?

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

Fingers crossed that each one these stops turns into a disaster when swarms of good people protest and give him a taste of why over 60 million did NOT vote for him.

My FB is filled with Kermit memes asking why protestors aren’t working. I pretend I don’t understand and advise them to donate money instead. It’s a sweet little troll.

I’m hoping he’ll quit.

My dad has a theory on Trump supporters. They don’t want to admit that they made a mistake; that their judgment is bad; therefore, they will defend Trump no matter what; otherwise it would be admitting to their own gullibility and bad judgment.

Flash of brilliance: what if his horrible children don’t get the necessary security clearance to receive classified info? (Not a stretch, they really shouldn’t). Then, he gets caught passing classified information to an unauthorized person? I think we might all die from irony overload.

I couldn’t believe that Trump actually thought the staff came along with the White House. It’s a level of sheer ignorance and stupidity that is unprecedented in presidential transitions. He looks like sheer hell since winning, and especially since his initial tutorial by Barack Obama, a man who really DOES know what

Here’s some more info and context for the tweet:

My Mom and Dad, raised in the Deep South, make banana and mayonnaise sandwiches on plain white bread all the time! Last time my son visited they made him one — don’t know how he’s missed out on eating one all these years — and I can tell you he’s the most adventurous eater I know, and he could not eat it.

If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.

Please, please, please, let the Trump-Pence administration’s first full scale scandal... be the contents of leaked emails.

See, here’s the problem - it wasn’t against the rules at the time. It is NOW, but that fact doesn’t matter because you don’t bother to pay attention to the facts. Our country belongs to the low information voter.

Not sure about sex, but my wife keeps grabbing my ass and yelling “I’m a billionaire president and I can do anything I want!” I’m guessing there will be no sweet, sweet lovin’ at our house for quite awhile.

If I didn’t hate him so much, I’d feel sorry for him. Because there really is no way out. Claiming health problems makes him look weak. Quitting for any other reason just makes him look like a loser, and we know what he thinks of losers. I think towards the end of the campaign he was really getting excited about 

I hope Chuck Schumer is ready. He’s going to be the most powerful Democrat left in our government after the inauguration.

LBJ had evidence that Nixon’s campaign had interfered with the Paris peace accords, but he couldn’t prosecute him during an election without risking charges that he was killing American democracy by, you know, arresting political opponents. Those people in Nixon’s camp went on to work for Reagan, who illegally

It’s a good - and frightening - point. Despite this, I think the Dems are gonna do to Trump what the GOP did to Bill Clinton, namely crawl up his ass with a microscope, amplify all of his previous baggage, keep his fraud trial in the forefront, and delve into his sketchy finances until the fucker is somehow