Exactly what my mum says, also smile as big as you can.
Exactly what my mum says, also smile as big as you can.
I’m with you,
She didn’t even call for medical services
You’re just a dick
You had no withdrawal symptoms, Jebus I did the cold turkey on Effexor and thought this must be what heroin addicts go through. Now I’m back on it as I’m being dragged through family court my anxiety is terrible along with my insomnia.
I know her comments were ridiculous and all about her insecurities as a woman but at the same time it kinda takes one minute to look up from your ph and say hi my name is blah and shake hands. Or am I assuming too much of humanity that if you sit at a table with a bunch of people you would introduce yourselves and…
I read these vegan articles and to be completely honest I end up lost in who, what, where and when. Since when did being vegetarian/vegan (and if I’ve missed some other new one I haven’t heard if I apologise) become a war lol
Yep, my aunt even said my ex was perfect and always fantastic with my daughter. A narcissist knows how to play games and look perfect for everyone.
Everything I’ve read so far regarding public commentary is that her makeup artist friend helped her out so she could get his hands on her money.
Now I remember who he is, it took your description to jualt the old brain
It's seems like such a long wait, I've already organised babysitting for the youngest so I can take the oldest (10) to see her hero on the big screen.
I wish we could have a white Christmas, just once while we tuck into our roast dinners and pavlovas let it be cold snowy and everything on a Christmas card.
I'm now ashamed to be Australian but this, this moronic man is just the tip of our DV culture (is it wrong to use the word culture). Instead of watermelon though it's usually a beer in their hand while they spew their vile verbal diarrhoea and demand we stop being cry babies
I know we are suppose to support each other as sisters and j have nothing against the sex workers and porn stars of the world but I just can't get behind her...unless I'm going to trip her over
I want what she’s having
I love titties, mostly because I'm 34 and still an A cup
Exactly! Common fucking sense, it’s a bunch of cells and tissue they don’t fucking want and yet these idiots find disgust in recycling and using them for scientific/medical reasons. Again there is no common sense in this world, and as a mother who had an abortion I would hope to fuck the $400 it cost me they used the…
You rock