But... what keeps the ones on the bottom side from falling off?
But... what keeps the ones on the bottom side from falling off?
“Our radical Democrat opponents are driven by hatred, prejudice, and rage. They want to destroy you and they want to destroy our country as we know it,” Trump said
That’s some major tomfoolery there, that is.
Way to go! Now they’ll start reworking this into the Psychedelic Kids Shows From the Late 60s/Early 70s Cinematic Universe.
For years, my joke about the “dark and gritty reinvention” trend was that they would end up reinventing the Banana Splits.
Not to mention the complete lack of parental supervision once you were outside?
Well, in my late 60s/early 70s early childhood, it ran in the after-school slot/pre-dinner slot, and we watched it mostly so we could see the next exciting installment of Danger Island.
But...but... that would make him a monumental hypocrite!
Accurate Mad Libs, 2019:
So... Trump is a bad conceptual art project?
In your forthcoming multi-volume history of the Republic, will the volume concerning our current era be entitled, The Element of Calamitous Incompetence? Because I think that would be a pretty good title.
Yes, I suspect he is.
They did a Danny the Street episode! I sat at home and watched a touching, well-acted episode about a gender-queer teleporting street.
Odd comparison. I know people like Legends. I bailed. Tried again awhile later. Bailed. Cannot see what the appeal is.
Clearly, they should do 2001: A Space Odyssey.
That would rather work against the overall comic tone of the franchise.
...Or returning to a present in which, despite a wildly different series of past events, somehow, all the same people are conceived and born, except they’re cool now. Marty’s parents had sex at the exact same times and the exact same conceptions resulted. Not once was McFly, Sr., say, at a book signing that night or…
It would make sense if his entire supporting cast disappeared in the snap, and therefore, all returned at the same age. It’s silly, but in keeping with the way things work here, I think.
So Trump is a Dalek?
I think that’s what someone should have said to the studio, awhile back.