
Lmfao. “How dare you curtail my using your resources for free!!”

My fav dispensary has a surprising amount of female employees, which is nice, except that now like half of the dispensary’s online reviews are things like “hottest girls of any dispensary around! lol”

It’s not easy. Especially considering the first time I met them explained to me that because they have never encountered racism that it doesn’t exist. (I argued, realized I was dealing with entitled dipshits and left the room)

Beer snobs make me want to commit harakiri. Well, snobs in general, but I tend to encounter more beer-type these days for some reason.

“(PS-These are absolutely based on people I know)“
OH, dear. I’m so sorry. You have my sympathies. If I were you, I’d be in prison for murder at this very second.

I like to wash it down with a nice frothy cappuccino that has had its foam delicately shaped into the shape of my ball sack.

And only the finest locally sourced mustache hair and beard wax go into my sandwiches.

And you can view those opinions on the comments section for Buzzfeed rn. Spoiler - they’re all terrible, racist, and fucking stupid.

No I’m not surprised, although the medical dispo I frequent employs a couple of black people. It’s majority white-bros with facial hair and lots of opinions.

he makes his own fertilizer, eating a strict diet of organic locally sourced fruits and vegetables

Yeah. I do think there’s a cutoff though, where most men and women are going to find people significantly younger than them more attractive in general.

I acknowledge that people are incredibly beautiful between 18 and 25. But, I’m not, like, attracted to them anymore. That’s what confuses me. The desire to be with people that young. As I get older, what I’m attracted to is no longer confined exclusively to what they look like. And, I feel like that is basically a

The older I get, the more convinced I am that there’s something fundamentally wrong with men who continue insisting that 18-year-old women are the most attractive women.

no, gawker media infamously doesnt have a copyeditor

SAME! same measurements and everything. They were gorgeous, I just wanted to stare at myself naked in a mirror all day but I had this damn baby that demanded shit so I couldn’t :(

Post baby boobs are crazy, right? I went from a 34B before/during pregnancy to whatever is bigger than a 34DD while breastfeeding.... (I waited for my boobs to go down a bit before I got properly fitted for a “real bra” after the baby.)

I always said that if I were to ever pose in Playboy it should’ve happened right after I gave birth. I didn’t really gain much thanks to swimming during my pregnancy (the doc said exercise would make labor easier and in my case he wasn’t lying) and my boobs looked INNNNNNNNCREDIBLE

ummm...has anyone praising this idiotic plan ever BEEN to DC and experienced the weather during the fall and winter. You know...that time when football is ACTUALLY played? ~_^

It’s stupid for a stadium, which makes it perfect for the ‘Skins.

disclaimer: I didn’t read the article