because CBS and the NCAA have vested financial interests in forcing you to sit on your ass through two hours of commercials to see the completed bracket.
because CBS and the NCAA have vested financial interests in forcing you to sit on your ass through two hours of commercials to see the completed bracket.
Clearly you’re not paying attention. They came down hard. That program got a really easy bracket and a #1 seed.
I believe the leaker is a low-level intern that goes by the name Barles. Barles Charkley.
....sorry...hit “publish” before I completed the statement about the 727...the PSA flight over San Diego in 1978 after colliding with the Cessna...saw it on the news and then on the cover of Time. too.
200 ft is definitely too far to surface from unless you are an experienced free diver. Those guys learn to go into some sort of meditative state to conserve oxygen. Even so, you are talking serious decompression surfacing from that depth, and that’s if your lungs don’t explode on the way up.
Trying to sneak up on fish?
Thanks, Tyler.
Continued... ALSO give the koala a break. It was a zoo animal in captivity, so hunting it is like shooting a fish in a barrel. But yes, we can all agree a mountain lion ranks much higher on the food chain, to appease your enthusiasm for the circle of life.
I actually had no idea they made all that racket until I was staying in a van at my parents’ new property. That is some scary shit to be woken up by, especially when whatever is making those noises is outside between you and the toilet.
Mine still does, she just can’t maul above my knees.
Maybe my brother and his girlfriend are koalas? I’m not getting any sleep during spring break here.
I dunno, breaking into a zoo counts for something.
“International favorite!”
Either sounds very L.A.
I can’t decide whether P-22 is a gangster ass anti-establishment mountain lion who gives no fucks and takes what’s hers or is a hipster mountain lion just trying to get her organic, free range, and non-gmo koala meat at the local market before all the other mountain lions swoop in and all she’s left with is squirrel…
Predator eats animals. People still amazed. News at 11.
RIP Killarney. 🐨 🌈 P-22, I ain’t mad at you though.