
kids LOVE them. they instinctively know which ones are the best.

video has been pulled...?

Pixels didn't suck enough. Oh, it SUCKED, but there was JUST enough moments of NOT-SUCKAGE that carried it over the top... :-)

How did they end up with 65,243 if boxes are 4 dollars each? JUUUSSSST SaAAAYYIIINNNN....

I imagine half the people (or more) were like, "who the hell is she and what the hell is this?" III keep UP on the news and I had no idea who she was and what the hell the joke was, cause I avoid fox news like the plague. A joke's not funny if it has to be explained (except the merkin one. I was laughing so hard when

I heard mixed reviews about this over the weekend... :-P

I may be thinking of a different set of murdered doctors. There were a bunch getting offed in florida for a while, WAAY above the statistical norm...

God, I wish... :-)

well, that song sucked. But worth the rant, or the clicks you're sending her way? Slow news day, must have been written and filed the Kansas shooting, I guess... I think you should have just ignored her.

not legal, it’s a corporate policy. And I know no laws apply, but cruise ships are really, REALLY fussy about that "Mr. ToT, put your pants back on!" rule. I keep saying, "international waters, mate!" but they keep yelling... ;-) ha ha ha

FUCK YES. Never seen that one before! :-) My fav is the ninja turtles versus the 4 artists...

I died laughing when that trailer about the stupid storm came on, and was throwing jumbo jets around. lets go into business together? There's enough shitty scripts to share... :-)

I'm gonna go see "eddie the eagle". :-) (and maybe deadpool again)

nevermind, I've caught up with the thread and your comments.

Why does the last of the mohicans star hawkeye? Sometimes, you got to read between the lines...

That’s exactly it: everyone that keeps saying “it’s a white savior movie and whitewashed” I’m like, “have you SEEN it? it’s mostly subtitled, theres only 3 white people in it including the cavalry officer and crookshanks, and they all DIE! What’s whitewashed and sav-ey about this??

That’s actually a valid complaint, a spark for a great discussion among, like, the three of us that know the era and Japanese history. :-) For the average movie goer, though? Americans love underdogs. They love samurai. And, to be fair, I can’t help but feel SOME pity for the samurai that were so RUTHLESSLY abandoned

oooh, fuck, that's a whole nother issues, about the white man portaraying themselves as saviors or something. you want to open THAT can of worms, I am running the other direction... -imagine "nope! gif here-

my problem with that is THEY REALLY DID. The Japanese called in the best in the world for EVERYTHING. They called in American vets, French ship builders, Germany Naval Officers- they scoured the world for experts in order to modernize. people who get pissed off at the premise don’t understand the Meiji Restoration.

re: The last samurai: how so? (not trolling, I love the movie, I'm curious)