
acccctually, my biggest complaint about this is that it didn't list the supporting categories. and I think (personally) that you're wrong, because the supporting categories are the catch-all bracket. IF they do match up, the percentages will be a LOT lower because that's where you start seeing wacky matches. (I'm also

Have a democrat do a quorum call, which then leads to a call of the house, which means anyone not physically present gets arrested and dragged back to the senate. keep it up until the public gets sick of seeing their legislators in cuffs: once, fine, civic disobedience and all that. Baby boomers got arrested for

What’s going on is Obama is a helluva cannier politician than people usually remember. by taking a calm, civil, high road, and (probably) presenting a perfectly acceptable candidate, he’s painted the Senate into a corner where they either have to go back on their word to obstruct him, OR they have to obstruct him,

(you can see a line in my post where I was talking, then opened up wiki, because gods and monsters was stuck in my mind: he's only done borderline stuff but his work in THAT IS amazing, and, really, he WASN'T up against strong compition. grr, now I'm angry for how he was robbed... :-) but the rest of that is still

If you're not sure what team you're on, aren't you bi? ;-) ha ha ha (sorry, you set me up for the joke so perfectly, I couldn't NOT make it... :-)

I -love- Ian mckellan. But, looking at it neutrally, I’m not sure he’s done work that’s Oscar worthy. and in the years he DID, he was up against some stiff competition. Sometimes, that how it is: you have a year (like this year) when any number of men could have been nominated for either actor or best supporting. And

the guys can wear KILTS? greatest high school EVER!

oh, they’ll try. and it’ll look bad on TV, and many will slip out. and yes, as soon as the mobilization happen (M-day) you’ll see that. and things will calm down as people start getting called up and everyone else digs in to wait. but LARGE scale movements: nope. I don’t know if you worked the NEO plan, but moving 75K

Like Hookers! ;-) (I had a list of stuff that agreed with you, but, screw it, I went with the funny one... ;-) ha ha ha

troll. just stop, your don't look like a devils advocate, you just look stupid. sorry, mate.

they can’t. in case of war, the entire country goes into lockdown. civilians stay home, they clear the streets, and the highway system is nationalized and patrolled with jeeps to ensure only military traffic with authorization is on it. and this isn’t theoretical, they practice this for several hours every year.

The Nks have crap-tons of chemical weapons, and they’ve always stated that they will use them in the opening rounds of a conflict, as they consider south Korean civilians to be sympathizers. Everyon in south korea- even American civilians stationed there- has a gas mask, and there are gas masks available in all public

we're quickly approaching the day when all movies will actually be flawless 3D models with the "actors" simply doing voice overs...

answer is clear: the dems need to run Michelle as a new candidate...

This is just wacky enough to get my interest. I'd watch it.

by just the women? ;-) sorry, maybe too early for THAT dirty a joke... ;-) ha ha ha

is there an over/under on how much this is going to cost them this year? :-)

Well spoken. The thoughts of ToT family goe out to both families in their time of grief.

good for you. :-)

they said there's 11... I found only half...