
has anyone found all 11 errors? looks like the hand, the missing bag, the ocean is different, the forehead doesn't belong to the model, but that's all I have so far...

I could get behind that. I might even go to one of his concerts if I can throw rotten veggies and yell Shakespearean curses at him! "get off the stage, you fustilarian!!"

good point, there’s always money to be made by someone. Wouldn’t be surprised if some agencies start touting this: “will deliver your tickets for a low price due to our exclusive stubhub contract!"

yeah, it sucks. :-( My best friend is very outspoken, and gives zero fucks about what other people think of her.

By the way, anyone following this conversation, there’s a great article over on Gizmodo today (I will try to post the link at the bottom, but sometimes I can’t link at work) called “suck it dudes, women are better at coding.” It has great statistics on the “pull” rate of women’s code when they leave their profile

In FACT, going through the threads, everyone is giving personal histories, and war stories, and throwing ideas around about when and how we should fix society. I seem to be the ONLY one calling for more data, to define the problem. But, hey, why bring pesky logic and science to an emotion fest when just venting about

Nope. They may have read the article (as did I, and the research links) but they missed my point. As did you. Cheers!

I don’t know. Which is the point of MOAR SCIENZE.

It’s hard to really define the gender bias without control surveys: I hope that they next perform the same surveys at all men/women’s universities and compare data.

You know, some people just have to learn the hard way. I firmly believe that if something is on the menu, it’s worth trying, UNLESS your waiter is warning you off. but my WIFE, though, God bless her, she didn’t learn this lesson till we were in Korea and the waiter tried to wave her off a spicy dish. I’m like, “baby,

especially when it's other women cutting the woman down. "no, you were obviously confused and disoriented, let me tell you why you were wrong." Seems like the height of irony for smug feminists to take the tone of asshole men...

That picture is not a picture of an Army Soldier. Just FYI.

Octonouas was one we suffered through because actually learning about sea creatures is kind cool. I would snooze through the whole episode and wake up just for the final part about the fish or whatever.

I actually found Paris to be very polite, and Luxemburg to be CRAZY arrogant... But agree with everything else. :-)

She is a terrible person, she has been wrong consistently in all of her posts, and I sure as hell wouldn't eat anything she would cook. Best bet is to ignore her.

I’ve heard the company is blaming the captain, which I’m sure is Bullshit: we all know the company probably has some sort of process about storms, and this was only listed as probable, so it didn’t meet the matrix, etc. They decided to send the ship to see instead of lose money berthing it, and well, this is how you

this looks like a fun redbox rental. :-)

(that is a cute rabbit, though. If it showed up at the Tot household, as much as we love eating rabbit, it'd live a long and healthy life. :-)

adopt it right into my stew pot... :-)

yup. Berwyn.