
I wrote a longer answer below, but the short answer is, IF we’re in a situation where the numbers are needed, they will be effective. As the saying goes, there’s a quality about quantity, the bad guys can’t be everywhere, hopefully. No, about the CAN HAPPEN? I hope note.

you are wrong about the lowering of numbers. In order to take ground and hold it, you need boots on the ground. The US was (by the end of the war) fighting on four fronts: The pacific, France (northern) france (southern, where Audey murphy got his MoH) and Italy. Part of the reason we were in so many areas was pure

that’s what I’ve been preaching all over. I don’t care about the ethics of what people believe, but I am pointing out, when they say they can’t imagine a situation where one would be necessary, it doesn’t matter. History has shown we need a huge, draft built Army about once a century. It doesn’t matter when it hits,

but you’re defeating your own argument here. The bar for a draft IS crazy high- essentially, needing to conduct D-Day type operations while also fighting in Africa, the Pacific, and Italy. We all agree to that. But to GET that type of numbers, a draft was required.

yes, but in a 100 division war (like WW2) there is that old expression about "a quality about quantity." A 10 division army simply can't occupy the land a 100 division army does, no matter the quality...

As I mentioned, above, the wars most people point too as “good” wars- the civil war and WW2- were not won with volunteers. Not enough people volunteered when their nation needed them, and thusly, a draft was required.

you do realize that WW2 wasn’t won with volunteers, don’t you? The civil war wasn’t fought and won with volunteers? Your logic is flawed: you already KNOW of 2 circumstances where the situation was critical, and a draft was required.

I’m just surprised. there’s ONE famous line from this movie that launched a thousand erections, and yet you pin the trailer to the top...

unfucking real. wow.

This fighting you’re going through is very real, and is cripplinling the post-recession economy. People, once burned, are like "FUCK THAT, NEVER AGAIN," just like our great-grandparents in the depression. That being said, I approve of frugality, and hope you find your balance.

looks like a decepticon. or an anime car. I dunno. it's not UGLY, it's just... in the wrong space-time continuum...

I identify as an A-10 Thunderbolt but does the news interview ME when I go running naked around the neighborhood yelling “BRRRRRRT!” No, it’s all police and lights and cuffs and “megan’s law” and shit.

I tend to agree: Okay, there’s a problem? What’s the solution? I haven’t heard any great ideas on fixing the lack of diversity issue other than “make the shows representative of the greater population.”

great story. sad ending. you never really explain WHY you said no to tammy- were you married?

This happened CENTCOM wide back in 2010 when a poor S6 (signal officer) was trying to check her unit distro list and sent an email of all of CENTCOM. then the reply-alls started happening... They had to take the servers off-line for a couple hours to kill it.

I've been reading up about the British experience in the Falklands- antiship missiles are no joke. had those silkworms landed, we'd be remembering this a lot differently. I doubt one would have taken a BS down, but it would have been ugly...

Can't believe you missed "Angel" in your Aerosmith run down. I agree, though anything with peter cetera on lead has to be a close second to the ole' Aero-boys...

“Sweater was found on the ground” = clear case of hypothermia; it’s one of the final stages, when the victim is convinced they are warm and start undressing.

HI! I'm gonna tell Rey to stay low and confuse their tactics, but keep my dumb ass in the bottom turret for the worst possible deflections possible. grrr...

are you paid or work for tips? and tell the stories! :-)