
Pretty sure this is the perfect car for Mr. Wilson:

Much like the Flex, I really wish it would have been offered as a manual. Yes, I would have been one of three people to purchase it - but it would have been glorious.

Depends. Is this super enough?

Here in California the rule seems to be if you drive a luxury brand you can even do this to other cars. I've seen cars try to split lanes between other cars, drive on the shoulder, drive down turn lanes, etc...

God that is so dumb. Light cars are cramped and uncomfortable. Safety and creature comforts are all that matter. Why do you insist on being able to see out of your car? My Kia has free maintenance and a sensor that tells me when I cannot change lanes. Stop being such a dinosaur.

You know why 16-year-olds want value? Because if they have any job at all it's a terrible one that doesn't pay well. You know why they don't care about trucks or crossovers or SUVs? Because they have nothing of value they need to transport from place to place. They haven't become afraid of the world yet, so they don't

Here's an idea: want to play music from your phone? Plug it in with a cable. Want to make a call or text someone? Pickup the phone and do it. Bluetooth is crap

Ever been to the MVC in Jersey?

My toilet sits unused 95% of the time... 60% of the time on Taco Tuesday.

The problem with cars is that while 90% of the time they sit around, 80% of cars are all being used at the same time (rush hour).

Holy shit.

Something about a chocolate factory...

No problem. I just called my time guy, and he's credited you with seven new minutes, to be implemented on March 16, 2015. You'll get them at 5:41 pm, and they'll end at 5:48 pm. I added the extra two minutes as my way of apologizing for all the suffering you've undoubtedly been through. Hang in there; we'll get

So sad.

I have both!

More reason to get a manual transmission. And a tinfoil hat.

I had many discussions with my son's relatively-young coach about when to text vs. when to call. She preferred to text everything and anything (as most young people do today) but I keep pointing out the ways in which it's getting her into trouble. People just can't interpret tone in text form and she ended up with

Ford Courier as sold in Mexico

Large affordable, RWD, 4 seat, convertibles, right now you have BMWs Mustang and Camaro.