
That’s the long term. In the short-to-medium term, the business model basically depends on outright breaking, or at least skirting, all sorts of laws, rules, and regulations. 

I like the idea. Can we somehow force cab drivers to earn less money in the process?

“What if we took taxis, and somehow made them extremely unprofitable?”

But some ideas are so obviously bad that they can’t survive even the most fervent technocratic fever dreams.

That sounds like a high protein diet, not a high fat diet. Ketosis happens when you a very high fat, like 70% fat, diet.

So, what you’re saying basically is that if an automatic Miata is worth more than $14,000 or less than $14,000 it’s just not gonna be recalled.

Or “leads to the question”

This is more complicated than that because Waymo/Google is actually the company considering removing all controls from their self driving cars, and controls in test cars are supposed to be an additional safety feature.

Won’t be the case in Waymo’s production vehicles. The human driver is only in the car for safety, but clearly made it less safe in this instance. Waymo wants cars without any drivers or even driving controls. 

Waymo isn’t going to be selling cars to the general public. They are all about driverless, controlless taxi pods. The driver can’t accidentally hit the gas when there’s no driver and no gas pedals. 

Look, everyone here’s going to look at the driver and think he messed up.  He’s not even employed by Waymo anymore.  This is the complete wrong way to look at this.  He should be lauded as a hero for doing exactly what the general public is going to do.  They’re going to get bored hovering over the pedals, and after a

Google’s self-driving car unit Waymo crashed into a median back in June after the operator meant to be monitoring the system in the driver’s seat reportedly fell asleep and inadvertently disabled the self-driving system, The Information reports.

His net worth is essentially his stock in Amazon. He doesn’t actually have access to nearly that amount of money. If he were to liquidate his entire position in Amazon it would have drastic effects. 

I think the parts about the car being less unique or more boring than the Mustang and Mopar offerings is silly - the Camaro is far more ditinct than those.

AVERAGE new car curb weight, 2017: 2817 pounds.”

It’s pretty much perfectly in-line with this administration’s theme of ensuring that the United States is culturally and scientifically regressing compared to every other developed country. 

Not only have they likely encountered similar situations in similar conditions given the vast amount of testing they’ve done, but they also have an extremely extensive testing system that they could easily use to test out their software’s response to the situation: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/08

Thank god. I’m so tired of seeing the media ignore affluent young men. WHO WILL GIVE THEM A VOICE.

Alternate press release: “Automobile: now for young guys who AREN’T dying.”

I keep hope that one day men will be appreciated for their intellect, and not their big watches or curvy stereo equipment.

Aaaaaaaaaand that’s the reason she’s posting what she did.