Before you give this article a hard time thinking that is serious, he’s satirizing the piece they wrote on vulture about WW.
Before you give this article a hard time thinking that is serious, he’s satirizing the piece they wrote on vulture about WW.
And in an affidavit Dantzscher submitted in order to get a Michigan judge’s gag order lifted, she added that she has been informed that USA Gymnastics’ attorneys had reached out to her former boyfriends to “dig up dirt” on her and ask questions about her sexual history as an adult.
Have y’all responded to our concerns about this infinite scroll business? Many of us would like it to end.
Well, in 1990s, to fly for about 1 hour (around 500 miles) it cost me about IDR 1.800.000 or USD 1,300 per flight at a time when normal salary for middle management employee was about IDR 500.000 or USD 360 per month. For that you get: plastic paper air ticket that you can’t lose, because the reissuance cost is almost…
But is she a real person, not an actor?
You know, I’ve looked and I’ve looked and I just can’t see anywhere in my comment where I said a single fucking thing about Hillary Clinton.
As the residents of Trumpistan are so fond of saying, she lost. Get over it. Focus on the short-fingered piss golem we’ve got to deal with now.
If Republicans were smart—if they were a rational political party able to act in their own best interests—they’d impeach Trump as soon as possible.
If you let your kids choose their own interests, you are choosing failure.
I don’t understand this argument. It comes from a place where you are completely unwilling to compromise and are unable to understand that your priorities are not shared by everyone. This is better to drive than a Pilot or a regular A4 Avant. Why does it have to be as good as an S4 Avant when the person who buys it…
The family doesn't owe you shit. His public life was while he was driving a car, not his family life. Get over it.
That is both the worst review and best story I’ve read on Jalopnik in a long time. :)
I don’t want kids. I want a car that’s reliable and fun. Those exist, and they’re not Kia Spectras.
So did Wilma.
The thing that infuriates me the most about the whole “bitch” part is that she LOVES flaunting her friendship with Kendrick Lamar. The same person who has a hit song called, “Bitch, Don’t Kill My Vibe.” If you’re gonna claim to be a feminist, you can’t just pick and choose what’s going to outrage you. You can’t just…
For those who need to scratch the itch, 4:00:
The Chase Sapphire Card is by far the best rewards credit card I’ve used (…)
The Chase Sapphire Card is by far the best rewards credit card I’ve used (…
I biggest reason for the cost difference is that VW can’t fix the cars. Every other recall we’re comparing to, there was a relatively inexpensive part that could be replaced, whereas VW is forced to buy back all the cars for thousands of dollars. The fines aren’t terribly disproportionate.
Using the rape & abuse of a woman to ignite & motivate the avenging spirit of the male vigilante who loves her is a tired and overused cliche.