
I think the point here is worth re-emphasizing - dark can work amazingly well, and you’re right to call out Last of Us 1 and Spec Ops: The Line. But unlike fun pew-pew games that don’t challenge the player, dark has to work for its dinner by delivering a human story that makes the emotional work worth the effort. Last

Haha, I didn’t want to say that part.  My dear pa always said that the two happiest days in a boat owner’s life are (1) the day be buys the boat, and (2) the day he sells it. 

^^ Good advice right here. Estimate out how many real life days you’ll actually use the boat, and then work back from there whether it makes sense to have a huge truck raising local gas prices the rest of the time.

I’ll allow it.

It’s certainly not the most expensive part of town.  However it’s safe, it’s clean, it’s quiet, and people who need help being good neighbors tend to get their sh*t sorted out fast. 

I’m not sure I have ever said this before, or even considered saying it, but Torchinsky wins it by a mile. A recent-ish veedub with an engine that can hold its fluids on the inside is just what the doctor ordered here.

That’s good for a weekend trip.  To live in, you need a van with room on the side for a wolf AND a moon. 

This! I do not live in a shady part of Pittsburgh. You will have a hard time believing this but really! I don’t! Half the cops in town live near me. But there are TWO converted shortbuses on my usual dog walking route. One of them is really dirtbaggy and I think the other one might be used by an off the books daycare,

What? No. Those vans were called ‘kidnap vans’ for reasons that should be obvious. 

I think it’s terrible to go off half-cocked about what kind of terrible things wealth might do to a person’s personality or ego. That’s why I support credentialed academics studying it in a professional manner and publishing the results in a peer-reviewed journal.

Like, Bob & Jiang finally catch the serial mailbox vandal they’ve been pursuing for three episodes. With the pedal to the floor, they’re halfway to the station when the perp leans left and the car tips over and gently skids to a halt, the rear hatch helpfully popping open from the impact. 

All right, in principle I understand that that thing on the cover of the owner’s manual is a mall security scooter and not some sort of real police force edition.

The Envision is a small-medium crossover SUV

Dude. What kind of cruel, totalitarian regime makes a 49mm lens? 50mm is OBJECTIVELY the perfect focal length. It’s trivially easy to make a 50 f/1.8 with almost no distortion. WHY 49mm?? Arrgh.

I’m not sure it would have been a good relationship - the infotainment screen looks to be attachment-phobic

If you buy one of these and keep it pristine (or whatever it is now) for 56 years, you definitely deserve some sort of payout. 

Argument in favor: it’s manual, at least has all wheel drive


Rob. No. 

Dude. 50 more HP with those tires and you’re launching sideways.