
It’s going to be based on the new Ram pickups that came out for MY2019, but with IRS and other changes for SUV duty.

uhhhh its old, but its not that old. Try Merc circa 2000

“I drive one when I go to the country club, and one when I go check on my rental properties.’

I’m gonna be that guy.

I should have destroyed that engine years ago..now Speed’s in Danger!

Once Volvo wins, I look forward to creating a series of for-profit repost pages that steal legally use all of a manufacturer’s marketing photos, brand imagery, and logos. Since, you know, this is a two-way street.

Why not both? Keep the photo as a canvas print in-front of the Seven in the garage.

I wonder if it was an early 1964 model where they were using some parts from 1963 as they made a gradual shift. Like there’s some sort of forgotten 1963.5 model in there where they were testing out turn signals and the license plate light wasn’t ready yet.

The tax deductions can be a biggie. I know of someone who I’ve helped find a vehicle to lease twice now that benefits via tax deductions as it’s used for work and is registered to their LLC. A purchased vehicle wouldn’t receive the same deductions.

One time in about 1993, I was laying on my couch late one night, falling asleep to Sportscenter, my cat laying on my chest. Suddenly outside there was a loud noise and my cat jumped up and looked that way.

She’s 71 and available!

We are now the number one is COVID cases, NUMBER ONE! That means we’re the best, we have the best pandemic, no other country can equal us in pandemicness. I will not sit idly by and let China and Italy be the best at this.

“Sure honey, I’ll sell that car I’ve had since high school to make room for your new family carrier in the garage. Let me just take some pictures and post the ad to the internet.”

Hi, I’m Jimmy from Jimmy’s Manure Delivery.  All of our vehicles are Dodge Journeys, because they’re crap before we even load anything in them.

As a child of the 70s, my Dad had a Ford station wagon (Grand Torino Squire or Country Squire, I can’t remember) in yellow with the faux woodgrain trim. The third row faced rearward and it was awesome. You could ask the truckers to honk their horns with the universal “pull the horn cord” movement or you could make

Desert sand formations tend to grow very slowly and in areas with very little rain like Death Valley, can be preserved intact for centuries or longer. Though not as spectacular as other natural formations they contain valuable information relevant to fields like geology and climatology because they function as time

Did the horse have bus fare?  Neighgative.

Listen, a Hot Pockets breakfast gets the job done, and if you’re eating breakfast Hot Pockets, that’s really all you’re hoping for, isn’t it? You don’t need to be having some sort of revelatory, transcendent experience like you’d hope for in a brunch Hot Pocket. All you want is to quickly eat something familiar