
There’s a TSA guy with an amazing collection of stuff he sells on Craigslist out of a U Haul storage garage in Golden, CO....

There were Porsche 917 brake calipers in the AMC parts catalog and could be ordered over the counter in 1970 because that allowed Penske to use them for Trans Am racing as they were a homologated “factory” AMC part. 

I’m pretty sure Tommy Callahan did the best explanation of cheap vs expensive brake pads ever

It’s not really “my” book — I’m working on that one for early next year. There’s a company I worked with for the WWE Cookbook that specializes in pop culture books, and I write easy, kid/beginning friendly recipes. This next one is actually a dream come true: my husband (my writing partner) and I are doing the Back to

The lasers would also be a godsend for the real reason Jeeps exist today: making sure they can fucking park between the lines at the mall!

Drove one of these for my job back when I was a kid. Pretty fun it being manual and all.

This. 1965 Seagrave engine. 8V71 Detroit diesel. 6 mpg. Up hill. Down hill. Tail wind. Doesn't matter. It'll do 90 on the interstate and throw water at 1500 gallons per minute from it's various deck guns and other orifices. It's angry, powerful and has only mildly tamed road manners. It's a blast to drive. Also

One of these. It’s literally bigger than many houses.

If there wasn’t a surplus, there would be a surminus.

Yes. Defo a car gift.

We already have our own brand of rednecks in NJ, TYVM.

Your legs are the crumple zone. 

If you think that’s bad, just wait until late December when Houston plays the Eagles.

It's never going to get better. You should probably just stay home. 

I just missed getting to go play in that mess. I'm grateful every day.

Russian or not, once a car’s been in a strawberry field, it’s ♪strawberry fields’ forever

You are so kind!

My wishlist (in no order):

1. FC150
2. MJ
3. CJ-3B
4. Gladiator
5. Willys Wagon
6. Willys Pickup
7. 18 more XJs—one of each model year. Possibly more to account for different powertrains and trims. Make that 50 XJs.
8. MB
9. GPW
10. GPA
11. M151 MUTT (yes, not a real Jeep)
12. M38
13. M38A1
14. Mighty Mite (yes, not

“...but the truth is no racing car looked as bonkers as this.”

i will one up you with a cyclone spoiler.

Got it!