
Should have used a different engine then. Epic gets to say about battleground whatever it wants. (In my opinion)

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Thanks for sharing my videos from the stream.

damn, I was just looking into this game a few weeks ago, definitely gonna try it out with this new mod.

that(heat vision) display can actually see what the guy on the left is going to do in the near future, awesome!

it's funny because the people bitching and moaning right now will be the people bitching and moaning that a product is unfinished and that the devs should have put more time into it

so this is an apology?
just a normal one because i don't see any difference between other apologies...

There's also a main stronghold that the Inquisition will call home, but they're not showing that one off yet.

I am 6/7 but i do get the results!

this looks like the new ubisoft game that will be announced at gamescom, unless Videogamer added the music themselves.

they really warn you to not do these things when getting a rift.

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Made this 2 days ago, goes well with the superman one =)

golden bitches!