
I don't know about needing headshots. So far the most realistic idea I've seen on how zombies could happen is the fungus in The Last of Us where it takes control of the brain. It still needs the body to function to be able to control it so killing the body in the heart or anywhere where the body can't keep itself

I don't find it boring, and I agree about the likeable characters. Which I blame more on really bad character writing. For example Andrea was your typical annoying stereotypes of a female, particularly one that wants to be a strong female. She was prey to always being too gullible/soft hearted, but wanting to prove

I don't know if it's the cool thing. But I kinda do have a love/hate relationship with it. I mean I'm entertained by it but also aggravated sometimes with how stupid the writing is. And I'm really good at suspending disbelief so when the writing gets stupid enough that I'm annoyed by it, that says something.

Now I'm trying to decide. Buy it for my Vita and use up what little credit I have on PSN but I prefer the controls (though on a JRPG that's not a huge issue honestly as JRPGs do fine on touch screens in general. But I like playing on my Vita). Or buy it on my iphone where I have more credit than I know what to do with

Don't have a PC. Bought New Vegas on the xbox in hopes that is better (since apparently the 360 had pretty close architecture to PC so hopefully wasn't too much of a hassle for Bethesda to port over).

I think you mistake Kotaku for IGN honestly. This place looked a helluva lot better after coming from IGN. You still get a lot of crap but you get some good stuff too.

Kanye, any day of the week. I haven't heard Ice-T doing anything near the crap Kanye does or even have near the full of himself attitude (I wouldn't be surprised but Ice-T at least does better about not making it blatantly obvious like Kanye).

Seriously. I mean for me story is important to the game, but I see so many times on gaming sites (like this one) people who like to consider themselves "hardcore" gamers bitch about they want gameplay, not story. And they'd rather see story sacrificed than gameplay. And bitch about games they feel is all story and no

That sounds more like you want Samual Jackson to read it :). But maybe that's just cause I associate the liberal use of motherfucker with him now.

Ah, we've gotten to this point of the flamewar. Where the person who is being flamed suddenly turns around and claims, "I wasn't serious, this was all just for amusement, really."

Yeah, I have only heard him talk a few times but he definitely does not come off as some one who is stupid or illiterate. He comes off as quite intelligent honestly.

Huh? What? Where do you learn this? I even tried googling it and the only thing halfway relevant that came up was a youtube video that was titled that he was accused but the content actually had no sense to it whatsoever and had nothing to do with the title far as I could tell.

Vegas is awesome. I only stopped cause it started lagging so badly that it just got unplayable (never got to finish it. Was on the PS3 so I bought the xbox version for my next playthrough when I get to it... so pissed off I can't finish as that character though.. argh!).

I get what you're saying, but I don't think it's bad they offer more options for people who may want to play it differently. I know it's nicer when the game imposes the difficulty for you (I have a similar type gripe about Bioshock Infinite where you can just go throughout the whole game with no strategy and just

Don't care, you're still paying a rental fee. That for anything other than MP that they require it for you could pay a *ONE TIME* fee of 35 dollars and get a device to do it. And yet some how they think you should pay them a rental fee to use your xbox for almost all its features.

What, are you trying to get your kids taken away for child abuse?

Sorry disagree. Granted I only watched the first but it was so bad no way am I wasting any money on them. The movie failed in every single aspect. It sucked being a Transformers fan, it had crappy dialogue and story and really stupid humor (peeing on some one, really?), hell, even the action sequences were far too few

Enjoy having to pay 60 dollars a year on top of Netflix and your internet fee to watch Netflix when you can just buy a box for 35 bux to watch it. Enjoy MS insisting on a paywall to use your device for almost anything including anything that gives it an advantage over PS4 (which without the fee the PS4 and PS3 are

Not so much a failure when plenty of people are liking it and new people introduced to it are liking it so much they are not renewing Gold (I've heard several stories like that).

Ergh, I meant the Killzone for PS4 (I've been playing a lot of Mercenary. I actually prefer it over Shadowfall to tell the truth).