
Yeah, it's a service we pay for. And we actually get stuff for it. You pay Live Gold just so MS will stop gimping your machine. Live Gold is more a rental fee for your machine's functions than anything (except you also have to pay a large fee up front for the machine you are renting but at least they give you the

And actually it's more like a Netflix like service than renting. You have access to all of the games you pick from PS+ as long as you pay the yearly fee. You don't have some time limit on each game you get through it (nor even a limit on how many at one time). And you can even lapse your sub and re subscribe and

Gamefly is 3x as much.... 15 dollars per month or 180 dollars a year. Vs. 50 (at most if you don't buy on black friday where it's 30 dollars) a year.

I personally cannot justify Gamefly (yes, it's nice but I'm on a budget and that's just too much). But PS+ is so cheap that it's worth it, even if you don't get as much

Heh, PS+ is cheaper than both, especially the cellphone.

No you don't. I don't even know how you think that since that's the biggest selling point it has against PS+ (and the cry of the xbox fans if you point out PS+ gets better games).

I just kinda assumed there wasn't a talk function on Killzone Mercenary.

Besides, I'm a chatterbox if you give me a mic so I think some people probably would be happy I assume you can't talk on it (do you have to connect a headset or is their a mic on the controller? For some reason I thought i read there was a mic on

Uh, yeah, that's why in general PS 3's tend to go for more than xbox's on ebay... Seems for console only you can at least get 100 for a PS3 (unless it's a small hard drive phat version that isn't the BC ones) and less than a 100 for an xbox console only (Even for the newer versions).

One could argue that the playstation isn't worth anything to the playstation owners that they aren't willing to do stuff like this for it....
(Just playing Devil's Advocate, I love my Playstations :) and totally value them over my xbox 360 though I like my xbox too despite not liking MS's policies with it).

Why not just tell them when you first meet them? That way you are upfront about it and if they are not interested, they can walk away and not have hard feelings cause you never "lead them on". I mean if you keep dating them for a while and wait until it has to come up cause it becomes an issue, then I could see why

Yeah, but when I was playing before I figured out Naoto was a girl I just figured they were using a female voice actor and hoping she sounded male enough (Cause I've seen them do that). I was pleasantly surprised when I learned it was on purpose.

Are we surprised? All small companies start out idealists and eventually end up being more like your usual corporate. That's why it's important not to trust any company even if they do sound truly good (they may be at first but things always change). And also put too much trust in them and you aren't keeping them on

Well, as some one who prefers single player campaigns, I guess there is a silver lining. But I also like Netflix and stuff like that. And if they put some good games on Playstation Now and it worked decently on Vita, I would be interested in that (Fallout on Vita damnit! <- yes, I can dream).

I'd say this is more like early alpha testing. What it was before was more like beta testing.

Seriously... I am not sure how they thought this was ready to roll out at all.

Oh good grief. I hope my other comments actually showed up cause now that I closed and opened the discussion I notice they are gone now (I was complaining that this comment system doesn't work 75% of the time. I reliably can't see discussions when I load an article and usually have to refresh the page a few times to

Well, since apparently the edit button doesn't actually do anything either, I will add I don't like the new format because it makes it harder to tell which discussions go with each other. At least the old format it was very obvious which comments went with which discussions.

It's too bad cause I honestly prefer the

Honestly, I think 75% of the time it doesn't work. I have to always keep reloading to even see comments and then sometimes when I press more it makes all the comments disappear. Honestly, it feels like it is in alpha form and they really need to go back to get it to actually work. Which is sad cause it's not like

I just did without. I refuse to condone MS's BS fee. Until they stop paywalling Netflix and internet apps MS won't see a dime for Live Gold from me. And I don't care how they try to sweeten the deal (not like MS knows how to actually offer something for the money rather than take stuff away unless you pay).

Awesome! Now I have absolutely nothing I'm missing out by not paying for Live Gold (though that's not an excuse for them to paywall it.... I paid for my xbox 360, if I want to use it to watch Netflix, I should be able to. I shouldn't have to justify why I want to use it over my PS3 - it seems to be a very common

Those are pretty awesome pictures. I don't know why but I always like images of places that are like ghost towns. Maybe that's why I like post apocalyptic games so much :).