
Well, regardless of looks I'm just glad the PS4 is flat on top (makes it easier to fit in our entertainment system). Really disliked the curved top of the PS3.

You know, it's not bad to appreciate small things too.

Sometimes I wish I could negative vote people really badly. This is one of those times.

I don't watch football and I don't know who this guy is, but it reminds me of a discussion yesterday on here about Ice-T and how it was ironic that some one who could easily afford a PS4 was expecting one free while people where it's hard to have to pay for it.

I agree it's not an issue. But at the same time I think it's a bit weird and I just don't understand the point of why they designed it like that. I don't see an advantage and while it may not be bad it doesn't look good (which makes some people freak). So at best it does nothing bad... and gives off a bad image.

Awwww... I was hoping the light would be blue when the PS is on :(

Uh, The original PS2 was maybe the same size or a little bigger than the original psx? (I can't remember. But there wasn't a big size difference) and the ps3 was way bigger than the original PS2.

So, no... in consoles the new tech doesn't get smaller. Unless we're talking Nintendo though they just seem to vary in size.

I honestly don't even understand why they designed it that way. Seems like it wouldn't cost anything at all to just put that third foot in a spot so it wouldn't wobble so easily (I am wondering what reason they had for how they did it).

Oddly I originally liked the xbox one's design but now it looks boring to me and I disliked PS4's but it has grown on me.

Well my cats managed to kill a few keys on my laptop keyboard (just by shedding). Luckily that was easily fixed.

That is a gorgeous cat :).

No, it isn't an issue on the other hand I'm confused why they wouldn't put the rubber feet at the edges of the console in the first place?

I mean it's standard design to do so on things designed to sit flat on something so why did they decide to go with a design that is more flawed (doesn't mean it doesn't work but it

I have no idea why they designed it that way but the reason it wobbles is they put three feet on it (the last foot being near where the "trench" is). It doesn't wobble on its own cause the heavy part is on the part that is supported by the feet and the light part is where you can press down and cause it to wobble.

You know, I'd have agreed people are over paranoid but the fact that MS is still whining about us not seeing their vision makes me wonder if MS is that stupid to still be trying to think of some way to get us ok (at least enough that we won't not buy the xbox) with their original plans.

MS didn't release a statement like that. MS released non apologies blaming us for not seeing their vision. *AFTER* trying to force the issue and telling us that they knew we said we didn't like it but MS was certain we'd buy it (yes, some one in MS said that). And telling us to deal with it or buy a 360 if we didn't

Here's the difference:
Sony doesn't include it. Gamers get angry.

On the dot about MS's attitude. And I love how they are still trying to tell us, "But you guys just didn't understand what we were doing! You didn't give us a chance!"

I don't understand why he was let go when the other reps once it came out pretty much had the same attitude towards people, "We have a console for that, it's called the 360." (that was just as bad as "deal with it" honestly. In some ways it sounds more smug and arrogant, "Let them eat cake!" <- very much rings like

I'm sorry, but optional or not, the fact that some people's consoles would have better upgrades means you'd have games that would require those upgrades (Unless people upgrading was rare)... therefore you'd have the problem I am talking about. Otherwise why even bother having upgrades if you aren't going to get games

You'd probably know if you killed a cat/kitten (it would start stinking if nothing else).

I don't think it happens often. Maybe it happens more in Japan though if they are making public service announcements about it.