
Your solution not only is cruel to the cat, it is ineffective. Cats can still bite to kill prey (but it is not a very good defense mechanism cause you have to put your face right onto the thing you are defending against).

Hey, I'm an overprotective cat person, please don't lump him with me. THe more I read of him, the more I suspect he's just trolling (I fell for it twice, don't feel bad).

We also can't accept the environmental damage they do to a lot of wildlife populations.

My cats are perfectly happy inside. I even had one that used to be an outside cat and while I admit he still liked to sneak out, he was pretty happy inside as well (he just also wanted to go outside.. and he had a scar on his tongue and a knick on his ear from his ventures outside).
But neither of my current cats even

Well, if they are feral they might not. Feral cats aren't as complacent. Unfortunately, if they are a neighbor's friendly cat who trusts a lot of people, they may very well just ignore it.

I will point out as a console gamer, I would be actually kind of pissed if they introduced the whole ability to upgrade the console. It's actually a big reason I don't really care for the steambox idea.

Thank you, some one gets it.

Not too late to cancel ;).

You can still buy your games there. But think of this. PSN now has competition which means they'll have more reason to keep prices lower. Even if you don't plan on using Amazon, it will be good for you long as Sony thinks people might shop there more.

Because, unlike what MS was proposing before their 180, this actually shows promise to have competition and therefore bring us cheaper prices. I'm wondering what Sony gets out of this cause they just gave up having the only place to get digital games from. But it's great for us. Especially as Amazon is known for

My question is why act like that for youtube? I just don't understand the appeal of the character he plays and why people would watch that (I am more questioning the people who find his character amusing cause I know he's doing it for an audience that apparently will watch that)?

If he is pretty articulate in nice IRL,

I've seen some articles I would say they were but this one not so much. As some one buying the PS4 I appreciate the article and the wording which makes it more clear exactly what will be required (because I had been hearing noise about it caching most of that install so that it only needed that space free for the time

You do realize you are the one that is coming off as very immature when you resort to arguments like that, right?

Reminds me of the little kids who either stick their hands on their ears and go, "Nah nah nah nah nah, I can't hear you". Or the chant of , "I'm rubber and you're glue..."

But here's the thing, some companies compete by trying to actually offer value and a reason to buy from them.

No, we don't have concrete proof. Anything can happen. Prove htat MS wasn't just going to give all games away and not eventually just give the xbox away, right? After all, since it hasn't happened and it could, that means we should believe it will, right?

Or maybe thinking people will take logic, look at what is most

Yeah, they just recently said they were always commited to offline single player (read the article, he does claim they were always, not just now after their 180: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/micro…

In a way, I have to agree here. I mean this is a game about racing cars on tracks. Prettier graphics vs. the tracks and cars to race? Graphics have gotten pretty decent already. Prettier graphics is nice but the point of the game is to be racing and people who like these games are car enthusiusts who want to race the

Ha! In my opinion that's why I've played Bioshocks despite being a shooter (atmosphere/story). But I just considered it a shooter with enough atmosphere/story that I could still enjoy it (But especially Infinite was too much of a shooter element to me. I just don't care for constantly shooting down waves of baddies. I

I disagree. Bioshock is most definitely a shooter. It has some choice, but you are still very limited (It is more like a shooter with some RPG like elements). You're not leveling up your character deciding on if he/she needs better speech skills, better shooting skills, better crafting skills, better survival skills,

I would say in general, yes, blockbusters are't art so to say, but not all the time. I would make an argument for Jaws being art (of course one could also point out that's because it was the first and had such an impact on the movie industry).