
Hrm... well, I swear if I do another playthrough Vegas is cheap enough I'm just going to buy it for my 360 (yeah yeah yeah, I had an excuse when I bought Skyrim as PS3 was all I have. I am a tad anti-MS so was trying just to use the 360 for exclusives and was being a little silly about it so bought Vegas for PS3

And that's kinda sucky in itself. Cause you are losing less percentage as a high end player than a low end player is (sounds like they cap the max amount you can lose whch means that low end players are losing a lot more than high end players which means there is less keeping the high end players from picking on the

Are you f***ing kidding me?! So.. basically, you lose a ton of money when you die, but if you kill some one you can't even get any money back. I'm more ok with losing the money cause I was stupid and had it on me and it gave some one an excuse to kill me rather than when I die.. especially when most people on the

Weird, the game for me so far just takes it out of my bank... I've wondered why anyone would ever carry cash on them.

If it is anything like single player mode, there is a cap to how much you lose when you die. After a while, if you're rich enough, it's not really a deterrent. In fact, once you are really rich, it is less of a deterrent than the amount for a poor person (cause it's less percentage of your money). Making it so the

And what you do then to solve the problem of hostile players who just go after you in free mode and then you lose your money? And for the fact that some one pointed out in another forum I'm on, the problem with losing money in free mode when you die (especially so much) is that it discourages people from doing wild

Well, that's why I've been saying I was skeptical that micro transactions would influence gameplay. At least they are getting more "reasonable" about it. But yeah, I think it is annoying to lose money cause a player kills me. Especially when it seems I'm punished for trying to be nice to others (I was going to help

No, just no. As some one else pointed out, all this would be is an excuse to have very little single player content. I really don't want to see multiplayer bleeding into everything on a game.

Granted it does seem a trend (Cause it's easier for them to make money and they don't have to have as long "storyline" to make

Actually, I wasn't complaining about that, I was originally just making fun of the comment complaining that jousting wasn't ramming into each other (I wasn't trying to be super serious, sorry. Guess I shoulda used a smiley). I found the thing fully amusing :).

Yeah but they're still ramming the other guy with an object.

Nowhere did they say you were going to be allowed to sell digital games. The only thing you were going to be allowed was physical games but only through their complicated system where you had to go to their approved sellers (basically no ebay or craigslist or yardsales, the places you would get the most money as a

You're assuming they wouldn't just go, "Oooh, more profits" and pocket them. And seeing as how they are there to make as much money as possible, they probably would. What would keep them from doing that? Not "being able to make more profits". That would not keep them from pocketing it (them passing those savings on to

And I, for one, am glad they "ruined" it.

I don't really care to see gaming consoles go the way of "have to have internet connection" just to play a single player game. I have yet to have anyone propose a game that "requiring" a connection actually improves the game (Every scenario I've seen proposed would work just

Yeah, I agree it needs games and it needs cheaper memory cards (and the price reduction was a joke cause it still wasn't even close to at least a tolerable price).

I mean I like mine and am enjoying it (PS+ helps with that ;) ) but while I can find games i want for it (many PSP games, though there is one PSP game I'd

Wait, you can't find the batteries on ebay? I've found you can always seem to find parts for everything on ebay. Weird.

Really? I've had no issue with logging on ever since the patch. The only issue I've run across is some of the stuff my character did wasn't saved (basically a few best laps that I only noticed because I want to get the midnight blue car color option. And it didn't remember one race win I got... which for me is

Wait, people don't ram each other in Jousting? I thought traditional jousting that's exactly what they do! :P

I don't mind them charging for online (only because originally I had figured it was for their servers so it was fair).

I vote Assassin's Creed. Though I doubt that is realistic.

Hrm, this would be really disappointing to me mainly cause I want to get a PS4 launch but really no excuse. No game really is sticking out as must have (not even if I didn't have to buy the console first) until next year. But I was almost justifying it by being able to at least be able to have Drive Club to play with