
Heh, never been really suicidal but I do have to say on his idea about still having curiosity about things that I've had thoughts about not wanting to die until I at least get to see how something ends (and if I don't have something I'm really into I tend to be more like, "Ok, if I die now it would not be a bad time").

Honestly, they may not be as big into games as a lot of people who inhabit these forums. They just want to play them, not worry about discussing or thinking too much about which to get. Easiest to pick the system that they know they already enjoyed the previous one and expect to get the same thing in the new one.

Well if he plays a lot of multiplayer games and wants to play with his friends, it's not really hivemind more than his priority with a game system is it be something he can play with his friends. If his friends are all getting PS4s, well, then if he wants to play with them, he's gotta get one. Or do you really think

Once again, I'll point out what I just pointed out to some one else. PS+ is only needed for multiplayer games. With xbox, you need it for netflix, you need it for internet browsing, you need it for "Free" to play games (all of those are not needed for PS+). I am pretty sure you'll need it for this feature and read

You gave yourself away on the other thread when you were bragging about MS's exclusives (I thought you hated real exclusives? Shouldn't you be bitching at them for Fable and Halo? Hrm?).

If you are going to be a completely partial fanboy, don't be so obvious about it.

No, I have to pay for multiplayer on PS4. I can still use it for netflix and web browsing and any other internet feature. Oh, and Free to Play games are actually free to play on PS4 (You have to pay to play those on xbox too!). I have to pay to use all of that for xbox and I'm sure you'll have to pay for this feature.

That one explains my feelings if you have the last pic for both xbox one and Wii U.

Well... I wouldn't be giving Wii U the angry glare like that, I just wouldn't buy one as Nintendo just doesn't get the games I want. I don't wish them ill or anything at all (They honestly come off as the most "Good guy" of the three).

Wait, wait wait wait... I thought you were pissed at Sony cause they had true exclusives and yet here you are bragging about MS's true exclusives...
So which is it?

Dang.. you might as well have signed up when they first introduced the xbox to be alerted about it and gotten 10 dollars credit on their store for it. I had no idea that i was getting some of these not because I had taken advantage of that. At least I got paid for it.

Yeah, I get those emails too. I just laugh at them. Though I figured it was because I signed up to be alerted for the xbox one (mainly cause they were offering me 10 bux on the MS store to do so ;). I have no interest in an xbox one but I do have a 360 and I won't turn down free money in return for them fruitlessly

Uh, hate to break it to you but that's because MS has less first party developers (developers that are actually theirs rather than a seperate company). They would totally have real exclusives if they could (and they do have some real exclusives, Halo and Fable for example). You see them having less cause they don't

They adjusted their product after it was proved it wouldn't sell. They explicitly ignored everyone yelling how much they disliked their policies. They had plenty of warning it wouldn't go over well but decided to do it anyways, thinking people would buy it anyways (they even outright said that the week of E3). I mean

I think you are just going to have to accept there is very strong anti-MS sentiment now. Every single sight I go to that isn't explicitly an xbox site pretty much has people complaining that it must be a pro-PS4 or anti-MS sight. And even on the xbox forum there is some anti-xbox sentiment (it's died down now but it

You know, you'd think maybe they could have a feature in multiplayer games that allow people to only play with people in a certain age range (of coures, it would kind of have to go on honor code that you're honest about your age ;) ). Of course it would suck if you were younger and more mature than the rest of your

Yeah but my computer won't insist I pay a yearly fee to look up information if I need help with the game. And my tablet is easily kept with me when I game. And I would be shocked if you didn't have to have Live Gold to have this since MS locks everything online behind a paywall.

Dear gun owner/hobbyist,

Oh, and BTW, Skyrim ran mostly decent on PS3 by last Fall (that's when I got it for the PS3 and it mostly was ok). I mean it ran a helluva lot better than Fallout 3 or Vegas (at least hte patch they put out for Skyrim worked and made it run mostly ok, well until you get 400 hours on the game ;) ).

So at least they

Honestly, I think Sony deserves some blame there (not all mind you). I mean they did make a machine that it wasn't just Bethesda found annoying to develop for. And for the first part tried to claim they did that on purpose because they felt it would make the developers work harder to make a good port (in which they

The only thing I'm jealous of on PC is the mods you can get for Bethesda games (and I will say that is a pretty nifty bonus). I don't mind it not having top of the line graphics though, they are good enough on console.

And I suppose you are going to boycott buying any more computers of any sort now since Foxconn is evil? Because I hate to break it to you, most electronics use that company. On top of that, from what I understand, Foxconn is one of the better places to work at (the real issue here is China and the working conditions