
To be fair, Sony could just be being smarter about it (kinda like Google is honestly... and google's whole business is about gathering your data. If you think they really offer you stuff for free, you are deluding yourself. And in fact, you are not even Google's customer unless you are paying for ad space. You are

Why not just disconnect it? They 180'd on that too so now the xbox can run without it (it was one of their last if not last 180).

Yes, they cater to the almighty dollar. Difference is, Sony realizes they have to actually offer gamers what they want, not just tell gamers they will deal with their regulations to use their product (and yes, they did learn this the hard way cause Sony was MS back when the PS3 was released. So far MS hasn't seemed to

You have some really good arguments. I will point out though in defense of xbox (and trust me, I'm no xbox defender, go look at my response about them on another thread on this article...), they did reverse their policy and you can disconnect the Kinect entirely.

So you do have a point, but at least now you can

You know what? I don't agree with the original person you were arguing with but when you just devolved into personal insults I just skipped over everything you said.

I'd rather read people who can put out thoughtful arguments. Not just insults and by doing that you really weakened your argument.

If most of those people who use the feature already play multiplayer, why the hell would MS need to put Netflix behind a paywall? Think about it. They already have the people's money who play multiplayer so why would they need to do that to get their money.

Netflix and such is behind a paywall because they want to make

Very small ones on the top corner where it tells you what's new on the PS store. Those are technically ads. But they also are aiming solely at telling you what you can use on the device you own. Personally, I don't mind them. They're not obtrusive and I actually find them kinda helpful to see what's new (because since

Not if you don't play multiplayer games.Which is why MS charges for netflix because they realize the services they offer are such weak sauce if you don't need multiplayer that instead of finding some reason to entice me to pay, they hamper my machine to try to force me to pay.

Gah, why does everything have to be white minimalist (seems Apple is going this way too)? Blech. The design fad of right now sux imho.

God no, not all women are feminists. And some are just as much misogynists as some guys are and they're worse in a way cause usually they feel they are female so can't be misogynists because they don't understand that misogynists has nothing to do with being a guy.

Oh, and culturally men are supposed to do different? Hell, it's a stereotype in sitcoms all the time where the men boo or yay another guy depending on if he managed to land a hot one or not (and it's considered an insult if they get the ugly one). It's a lot more accepted if a female goes for an ugly one (who usually

They look cozy but they also look like they have no room to put any stuff in. Maybe a few changes of clothes, basic toiletries. But only the actual necessities. I don't think I'd mind sleeping in them but I'd honestly want enough room for my stuff (and more than just bare necesseties).

I'd say still better than being

You're judging them by one of their points of view (That's what I'm talking about). That point of view isn't the whole person.

Once again, so what? What does it harm you whether they think it is by choice or by brain chemistry? Either way it doesn't harm other people for some one to want to be a female if they are not (or male if they are not).

As for your, "But it hurts the LGBT", this isn't about them. You're bringing it in to try to look

Saying "when you die" is very different from saying "when attitudes like yours die". I could fully agree with the latter. I won't agree with the former (especially cause people can change, even if they are old. And as offensive as their one view on something is, that's not the only thing that makes them them. They

Saying "when you die" is very different from saying "when attitudes like yours die". I could fully agree with the latter. I won't agree with the former (especially cause people can change, even if they are old. And as offensive as their one view on something is, that's not the only thing that makes them them. They

I will add, even if it was a choice, why the f*** does it matter? What harm is it to others to ask people to treat you like the gender you want to identify with? Whether it is choice or not, I think it's ridiculous people can't just respect it. It is your body, it is your life, not their's.

Ok, fine, their sex is male (unless they get surgery to make it otherwise). But here's my question to you, what harm does it do to actually treat them how they wish to be treated (as the *gender* they identify with)?

Why is this so bad that they want to be a different gender and they ask others to respect that? What

Ok, fine, their sex is male (unless they get surgery to make it otherwise). But here's my question to you, what harm does it do to actually treat them how they wish to be treated (as the *gender* they identify with)?

Why is this so bad that they want to be a different gender and they ask others to respect that? What

I almost starred your post until that last sentence. That was really uncalled for regardless of how offensive that person was being.