
Not that I found... neither my mom as well (so she sent the wii to me and I eventually traded it in for credit).

Honestly, Dance Dance Revolution and the dancing games are the only stuff I found that made a workout actually fun and make you feel more like you are playing a game that happens to make you also break a

No, Sony should not stop supporting their handheld. It's good, it has potential. Sony needs to actually support it right (Which they at least have started doing some stuff in the right direction).

Yeah and Wii fit sucked. Most people (like me and my mom) bought it (well she sent it to me when she found she wasn't using it) thought it would be a fun/game like way to excercise. And it turns out it's just like going to the gym or running outside except you don't get to listen to your own music or watch a tv show

That's what I thought with Wii fit. Turns out excercising with digital companions still is excercising. Except without being able to choose the music I like or watch some tv show while I do it (Instead just watch boring digital avatars of me trying to fake being out in the real world).

I personally found dance games to

Dang that was a quick reply. I went back to edit and you already replied ;).

I already read some spoilers (mostly regarding Jesse and Hank). I'm not too worried about spoilers honestly. I'm not as enamored with this show as others (I kinda have a like it/don't like it relationship with it. But, it is one of the few

True, Walt Jr. is innocent and yet it is interesting how the show uses him to torment the mom with using his complete innocence and not realizing what is really going on (I haven't gotten to this year's episodes so I don't know if that changes). For me it's made it so I have to remind myself that he's innocent and he

I'm honestly surprised more people don't like Trevor. He seems the perfect character to play in this game cause he's the most believable for the kind of stuff people like doing in this game. Plus he is funny even if he is "evil". Though I dunno,he doesn't come off as evil to me more than has a lot of rage issues (I'd

I dunno, that post mission seemed pretty Trevor. Why? Simply cause Trevor was random. YEah, he liked torturing a guy he had nothing against, but there you go, he had nothing against him (where as I do see him as having something against some snobby rich guy that's trying to tell him what to do and yet realizing that

I think you pinned Trevor exactly. It is funny cause I could see him having a heart of gold despite also seeing him as the kind of guy that shoots some one just cause they are being annoying. And the fact they pulled off a character that can be both.

Also... I love how Trevor is really the only honest one of all the

I'm surprised Michael is so liked. He's kinda boring imho. Well, one could argue Franklin is too, but for some reason personality wise I like him (I mean if I knew him in real life it seems like he'd be some one I didn't have a problem with, well if he wasn't killing people and selling drugs ;). Most likely I'd then

No, it was a joke already put out on the internet. It's just everyone is picking up on it.

I dunno, I think one of the allure of Breaking Bad is no one is completely innocent in it (and only one person is completely bad ;) ). I agree, we are supposed to be appalled by Walt (I honestly didn't like him from the beginning but I think it's cause the story writers did a good job of showing the personality traits

No, what was conceding was when MS was arguing that it didn't matter if specs weren't as good, it was the OS that counts (or something like that. I forget what but they were arguing that lesser specs didn't mean the games would be lesser. They had a point honestly but it was still funny cause it was pretty much them

You missed the point. It was a hypothetical situation with the race car drivers. He wasn't claiming they *WOULD* say hp was the only important thing, he was saying *in a world where they would say* (basically in this situation they would say that but it is an *imaginary* situation) hp was the most important thing it

Yes, I get that. I got that the first time you said that. Yes, I was confused at first on which it was at first which is *why I ALSO addressed* the idea of why I didn't like it if it was a local PC on a local network that it had to be connected to to play non Steam OS games.

Note I addressed that in my first bullet ;). I am not going to buy a PC just to play games on another PC connected to the tv. If I was going to buy a PC to play games, I'd just buy the PC. As is I don't have a PC and that is the reason I buy a console. A console that has to connect to one is pointless to me (and I

Note my 1. scenario which was addressing exactly that ... I'm not going to buy a PC just to be able to use the steambox to play games on my tv. And the whole reason I buy a console is because i don't have a PC to game with so I buy a cheaper console instead (plus then I don't have to worry about the specs going out of

Yeah I wouldn't buy a console that has to stream most of the games. 1. If it's streaming from another of your computers, I don't have a PC, that's one reason why I use consoles. 2. Even if it is streaming from their servers, I don't want a console that has to be constantly connected. At least this time there is a

Unabomber is a helluva lot more sympathetic to me if we are just looking at them as both fictional characters (of course he's worse being real where as Walt is just fictional ;) ). Mainly cause the motivations that drive each. Walt's motivation has been pride and pretty much that. So to not hurt his pride, he's helped

No, he did lots of terrible things. But I could understand the idea of being "team walt" for the idea of seeing how far one can go by breaking the rules. I just think in real life, some one who did that is an absolutely horrible person. But it is fun to watch in a fictional world (kinda like GTA ;) ).