
Not me. I've wanted to see him go down in flames since almost the beginning of the show. He never was likable in my opinion. But I think that shows the show did a good job with his character. The traits that let him go down the path he did are tellable from the beginning if you actually look but they aren't so obvious

Heh, Cranston reminds me way more of his Hal character than Walt (which is good, I like Hal, I hate Walt).

Motion control is definitely good for some stuff. For example, the obvious: dance games. Which, yes, some of us do like to use for excercise (beats the Wii Fit by a mile. Cause yes, I can find it fun but it will make you sweat).

Also, I think the potential is there to be able to act out your games. Imagine actually

If the Kinect doesn't work as advertised, that is going to be *really* bad for xBox One as there will be no chance of them getting it off the ground when the previous one already has a bad rep and the new one that they are promising is better still sucks. And it really is the one thing about xBox One that sets it

I like how if they rear end you in a cop chase of some one else all the sudden they start chasing you... How dare you not have eyes in the back of your head and get out of their way. You're obviously worse than the guy they were chasing.

Actually, the happiest people are those who have found jobs that are also their hobbies (and usually the people who are most successful at something are also the people who actually enjoy it too. It's hard to be successful at something you don't enjoy cause you have no motivation to care about it).. No one said you

My roommate comments this makes no sense cause they just spent a lot of money to replace the wings on them... not like the government always makes sense or anything.

I don't think he wasn't thinking for himself, I think he just plain wasn't thinking...

Not only does your sentence carry out in real time, you actually go to jail vs. have your weapons taken away and some money taken out.

Heh, my favorite plane is definitely the F-15 of every model (except B because the canopy didn't flow well on the design on the B) but the SR-71 is a very close second (But I wanted to join the Air Force solely to fly the F-15. I had no illusions I'd ever fly an SR-71 though). I always loved the A-10 as well but not

I like the show, but yes, the characters are not that very redeeming (Honestly, I will argue that Jesse had potential to be a good guy if he never got sucked into the meth thing... they kinda show it and the fact that him being stupid kid let him go down the wrong path. He at least wisens up towards the end and has

By that reasoning, why do you think anyone has good tips on how to parent unless they have written a book and have been accredited for their parenting skills? I mean you'd have a point if the guy said he had no kids that maybe it's questionable he knows parenting cause obviously he's never done parenting... But he is

The dual sticks are not what is causing the Vita not to do well. Price is a huge factor (and now lack of games cause price kept it from getting adopted well when it came out). In fact I bet you most Vita owners who have it love the dual sticks (Though honestly they probably could have done without the back touch

Yep, me too sadly. It's not a bad job, I like working with people, and it does require skills (like being able to work with people and honestly, being able to read people's reactions correctly and be able to respond correctly and not antagonize them. NOt everyone can do retail... or they can but they can't do it

Because you know, obviously if they are working some job you can instantly tell whether they have wisdom or not. Or alternatively, you could listen to what they're saying and see if they actually have good reason behind their thoughts. Oh, but that would require thinking.

Was it that bad?

Skryim ran worse on PS3 due to shitty porting/programming (and that is a known fact) and also lack of RAM. There are some games the PS3 would run better (given a company willing to actually put effort into porting it properly or making it for the PS3 properly) but a game that wants the hardware to remember every

Head palm. You apparently fail to understand my question. I'm not asking why the PS4 is doing better in Japan, I'm asking why the *ONLY* reason for it doing bad *has to be* xenophobia and not *also* (at the very least) not other factors as well.

That totally does not answer my question one bit.

I asked why is their "xenophobia" the only explanation for the PS4 doing better. Your answer totally didn't even address my question. Try again.

I think it's kinda silly to choose your console over one launch day exclusive period. Launch day games are almost always the worst games you'll get for that console (1. the developer hasn't really learned all the tricks yet of the console 2. They don't have much competition so they don't need to make the best game