
Honestly, he was being a jerk but she crossed the line when she made that quip as he left (entirely unprofessional and I think at that point he had a right to be upset). That being said, yes, the people calling for her being fired and giving out the phone number so the store can be harassed? Ridiculous.

I didn't... just got it today. You have more willpower than me.

I can understand your point (part of me was going, it would have been more amusing if I figured that out myself, but then again, I'm not sure I would have ;) ).

On the other hand, there are people who have the same view as you who make a point of avoiding any articles regarding the game just to avoid possible spoilers.


Honestly, some of the anti-game media is gun rights activists who just want to deflect attention elsewhere.

I'm pretty sure the guy who owns Fox News resides in England though... (I could be wrong but I do know he owns a very questionable media source there and in the past few years it had a huge scandal attached to it that seems very Fox news like)

I was joking... I was just commenting I was doing this in a game before 9/11 ever even happened (and I know I'm not the only one. In the old MS Flight sims it was one of the few skyscrapers they put in the game so they stood out if you flew the NYC area). Which is why it was ridiculous to me they went back and took

No, they don't have a right to get your full name nor if you are in that position should you give your full name (bad idea). They don't even need it. All they need to report you to your higher up or corporate is your first name or whatever name you go by in the store (which should be on the badge), when you were

I agree, it's not grounds to fire her, but I would say she should either get written up or at least talked about how she handled that. I know it doesn't pay much, but it's still a job and part of the job is being able to handle customer service and staying professional. That doesn't mean the customer gets to walk all

Good thing I'm not flying anytime soon :)

Dude, I was recreating 9/11 when I was a kid in the 80's with Microsoft flight sim. I didn't know they were the world trade centers (I was just a kid and not from NYC but had lived there as a toddler so I liked it so would fly around it), I just knew in NYC there were these two buildings that stuck out so I'd try to

Yes, fun is subjective. And I agree, I love a good story. I loved Skyrim despite lack of good story (but it really would have improved it a lot) but that's cause I also love roleplaying and I could roleplay a character in that one (vs. play through a story).

Honestly, he was being a jerk but she started being unprofessional too and I support him calling her out for trying to zing him with that one line cause that was not professional and as a manager I probably at least would have talked to her about how she handled that situation. I work retail and honestly, part of the

Honestly, I'd rather have things be fun and that fun last a while. Especially when you consider the game costs 60 bux. 10 hour games unless they are super super good just don't seem worth that much.

No biggy. I honestly only care to let people know cause I'm one of those evil feminists (dodges all the flames, eep!) and I like people to know that yes, we female gamers do actually exist.

Me too, but I think it's a lost cause. I'm pretty sure the rumors are already saying Bethesda is working on it.

Ah, I was just going by the little statement you said before and trying to be witty...

Sorry, Bethesda the developer?

Yeah, I love Skyrim and Fallout 3 but they would be even more awesome if they put more attention to storyline and characterization (something Vegas did a lot better imho including being more open to how you played your character). I mean it's not impossible or even that hard to have a

Oh, gosh darn, some people just enjoy from the sidelines. That's not degradation. Degradation would be if less people actually cared and went away. Having extra people who enjoy from the sidelines does nothing. And in fact, they might start really enjoying it and start to care. I mean you don't just suddenly become a

I meant Bethesda the publisher ;). And yes, Obsidian did do a much better job (but sadly I'm pretty sure Bethesda the developer is doing Fallout 4. Though Obsidian had said recently they'd like to do a "New Vegas 2". Sadly the guy mentioned it being zombie themed *sigh*).