Or quite possibly a different writer for that story who didn't think of the pun... nah, couldn't be the obvious.
Or quite possibly a different writer for that story who didn't think of the pun... nah, couldn't be the obvious.
I don't even think this was an unintentional gaffe where they subconciously were thinking of it (I don't think they were thinking about it being an asian flight at all, I think they just thought it would be a cute pun to turn flight to fright and didn't realize some people would think they were trying to pun on the…
Honestly, I think it was unintentional. I could easily see where they would be trying to pun without even thinking about the l/r thing (I mean I had to read the explanation to even realize what people thought they were trying to imply).
I would argue a vaccine could save the world, if you could get around the politics so that everyone got access to it (The problem isn't that the vaccine wouldn't help, the problem is if you could get people to get above all their politics and share this vaccine with everyone for the benefit of all). Because if you can…
Yeah really, if they made the cities bigger and allowed offline play, maybe I'd be convinced to buy it. As is, when they made the announcement a mac version was coming soon/out (I don't even know cause I cared so little I just made a small note of the article's headline and moved on), well, I didn't really care so…
Yeah, you know what? Even MS had fanboys defending the policies they had to reverse for the xbox one, especially after people ranted about it for a while (you almost always have blowback even if it is an unpopular decision from the fanboys and the few people who actually bought into the crap). I have maybe seen one or…
I have tried the no money thing too. It takes a while and unfortunately several people have to participate for them to care (They will only care if it actually makes a dent in sales. Though I think the fact they are putting out this survey hopefully means it has put a dent in sales. Too bad they still don't get it).…
Everything I hear is even disregarding the big mess up and the fact it is online only, it kills the big reasons I liked the game. All I ever want in a new gen Sim City is better graphics and bigger cities. They got the better graphics I suppose but the cities got smaller and they made it so you had to have one save…
Heh, I thought she was mature enough to take it but that is an interesting viewpoint and worthy of consideration (especially the "mile wide case of survivor's guilt" which while she may be older than her years might still influence her decision badly).
You know, if she could make people immune that way, there is no way the Fireflies needed to kill her. Just have her bite people, heh. And have those people who gain immunity bite other people. And when one person who has been bitten ends up dieing someday (and in that world, it happens often), use their body to create…
I think a cure wouldn't help, but a vaccine, which is what they are trying to make, would. Because a vaccine, if well distributed, could prevent people from turning into clickers, eventually reducing the disease cause its transmission vectors eventually die and it can't make new ones. Cures aren't how we have…
See, and this is one reason I don't think they were being as good guys as they thought they were. I don't understand (besides needing it for game/story mechanics) why none thought that maybe they should research more into other ways they can do it without killing some one. And at least give her some time to really…
I have to say I agree fully with this article. I want to add in that I think Joel at least suspects he knows Ellie would want this because when Marlene pleads with him, telling him that Ellie would want it and he knows it, the expression on his face shows fear as in he knows she is right but he wants to stay in denial…
Um, what stopped you from buying digital? It seems most games are available that way. As is the system now you already have that choice, MS wasn't introducing anything new at all in that regard.
To be fair if I were rich like that I would probably have a car collection cause I love cars. And if I could afford a whole bunch of expensive ones, sure, why not? Long as they were in the budget.
Well, when a company gets a well loved title, that's what happens. You can usually tell the title its fans like the most by the one they keep crying for. Just like in any Bethesda article you invariably get people asking for Fallout 4 ;).
Honestly, spoken as some one who completely doesn't understand the other side's POV at all. They hated it, so it must just be because of MS. And using your Apple analogy, I see people hating on Apple fans for the same reason, they don't understand why people like the apple products so it must just be because they're…
They can't implement allowing you to sell the game, true. They can implement family sharing easily though. All they have to do is put the permissions on the digital game to be usable on your account, and all accounts on a set list on your account. The digital game will have to be locked to your account though, no…
BS. You could easily have sharing with digital as long as you didn't allow people to sell their copies of the digital game. That's what got killed when they got rid of online check. That's really the big thing online check was for, to make sure that you hadn't sold a game and if you had to make sure permissions were…
I disagree. TLOU really tells the story of what happened and the people in it. There's a whole sub story if you pay attention at one point about a group of people living in the sewers. It's sad when you read the little bits. Or the sub story on how this gang ends up in Pittsburgh, how it got formed. And parts of the…