
Honestly, what else I liked about Last of Us is the story is told by the environment. The random graffiti's, corpses lieing around, objects littering the place, even the dead infected after the fungus completes its cycle. I mean, it really makes you want to pay attention to your surroundings as you walk through it

I'd argue it's not realistic to not be able to know what general area you are about to aim at when you stand up (in real life where you have control over your body you would know in general where you wanted to point the gun. With TLOU's system it's very hard to predict where the gun is going to be pointed when you

Thanks for the spoiler warning. Some of us haven't finished the game yet.

I think Bioshock had a better story/more original story (great twist to it), but TLOU definitely told it's story a lot better (you feel it more in my opinion. The storytelling in TLOU is just a lot better than Bioshock. You experience it just by walking through the environments and checking out little visual cues they

If nothing else even if the gameplay is boring (which I honestly don't find it but I'll say just for argument's sake cause I do see some people who feel so), the story is not that original (it's a pretty well told story honestly), the story is so well told in a very poignant way. The atmosphere is very well done and

I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. I did really like the ending when i finally got to the end of the game, but most of it was a lot of sludging through and very monotonous game play. I miss even the little puzzles of hacking that Bioshock had (though I would not consider either game one I'd want to replay again,

Ah, maybe I'll try 2 (I got Infamous 1 and 2 with my PS, only reason I even bothered to try it. Also Uncharted 1 and 2 and after playing Last of Us, I may give Uncharted a try even though it didn't seem something my style. Not a huge shooter fan though some shooters do tend to get my interest).

I agree. I think there is enough interest that they really could make enough money off of it to justify the cost.

Gah, I hated VIII in general cause I couldn't care for any of the characters and Squall annoyed the crap out of me (and I usually like mopey characters honestly, if they whine too much for me, that's pretty bad). I didn't bother finishing it cause I finally decided I could care less what happened to any of them and

Hell, they just stopped selling new ones I think earlier this year (I can't believe they were still selling them honestly). And Gamestop finally said they no longer are doing PS2 trade ins.

Nope, that won't work. I think they have to code it to work on PS4 so you'll still have to buy a seperate one for PS4. If you are going to want to just buy one that will work on PS4 I'd just wait til they get their streaming option up and buy the game when they have it available on that. Otherwise if you don't want to

Yeah, Infamous Second Son really doesn't look that impressive to me. Then again, I tried playing the first one and I was not impressed (and the graphics looked horrible on the first one honestly, even I think for when it was released. But even gameplay was not all that great imho, I played about an hour into it and

I only ever bought one console launch day and it was a mistake (the playstation 2 which I know was a very well liked one). Mainly because the games that come out launch day usually are pretty weak and you're forced to get at least one if you want to play with your new toy. The consoles I liked the most were the ones I

True but if you lapse in your subscription and then come back, you still have access to any games you downloaded before even if they are no longer offered. So it's not like you are forced to keep up your subscription if you want future use of the game. I made sure of that before joining (that way if I'm not playing

To be fair, PS+ can be a good deal even without multiplayer. They managed to suck me in before they announced you needed it for multiplayer PS4. Granted it is a better deal if you have a Vita (it has some good Vita games and Vita games are not cheap, even older ones).

It pretty much is. Almost all zombie apocalypse stories really are. The difference is the catalyst is a disease, in Fallout the catalyst is human made and inflicted (I kinda like nuclear holocaust type stories. Zombie ones are ok and interesting for the human kind trying to struggle after most of it is wiped out and

Rabies wasn't always easily cured and you still have to get vaccinated before symptoms show (there are like 3 or so people that have survived once symptoms show. Apparently though they have some new treatment that they put you in a coma that supposedly helps prevent it destroying the brain and gives the body a chance

Humanity survived, it always does in these scenarios (there wouldn't be a game/story otherwise really), so it's not really mitagated.

Not that strange. Rabies is a mammal disease that takes over the body (well it makes the creature very aggressive before it dies) solely to get itself spread (as it spreads through bites). Only thing is it doesn't really change the look of the creature much (other than odd behavior and frothy mouth) and it's been

I'm surprised I've only seen one person mention this (in a youtube video about cordyceps actually), but we already have a disease that pretty much does similar to the fictional fungus (the human version of cordyceps doesn't exist) and it's been around for centuries. Biggest difference is it is a virus, doesn't