
Yep, that was what I was going to do and did on my second try, managed to get through though right by the door I forgot to use the keycard and that slowed me down enough for a stalker to get to me (but not the bloater which was the one I was worried about). I had a hard enough time with the bloater when I had a guy

Gah, I'm trying to get past that right now (I did my first attempt last night and then after being torn apart by a bloater decided it was way too creepy to continue trying right before I go to bed).

That's great for taking off when you have a choice to wait, but what if you are landing the plane and they want you to divert cause they have an emergency landing coming in that they have to put ahead of you and you didn't hear them tell you to abort landing?

Not by an ipod, but by a phone looking for signal, yes. I've experienced it (Granted not in a commercial airliner but certainly in a Cessna and a Grumman Tiger). Cellphones can and do create interferance.

Ok, thing is, phones should be turned onto airplane mode because while they don't instantly make the plane crash (just cause you did it and nothing happened doesn't mean it's safe. I could juggle burning torches and not get burned but it doesn't mean it can't or won't happen eventually), they do cause interferance

The difference is I choose to buy digitally and give up the ability to sell my game on PS4. MS is trying to force me to go the digital method with some concessions about allowing me some ability to sell/trade but restricting it more than the physical goods method.

Honestly, MS would have been far better off doing

Yeah, it's obvious Sony wants to encourage digital. PS+ is actually a right move to encourage people (give them heavy discounts, make them feel part of a membership so they feel more special going to you, get them used to buying digital). And I speak as some one who does actually like buying physical and not cause I

You know, I prefer Sony myself of all the three current console makers but I have to give Nintendo a lot of props cause of the three I think they are the ones that most actually look out for their customers. The reason they never have the best hardware is because they realize there is only so much a customer will buy

Please see my other response, I worded myself badly. That's not what I meant.

Sorry, you misunderstood me. I meant that you only will need PS+ for multiplayer if the game has a single player mode as well. I know you don't need it for the single player (Or I'd be telling Sony that PS4 needs to burn with Xbox one ;). That's a hot button that even though I prefer Playstation would have me not buy

Basically, you'll have to have PS+ to play on games that are single and multiplayer (like Last of Us or Assassin's Creed).

As much as I absolutely love my Vita, I wouldn't say it's not out of the realm that Vita is doomed. Sony still isn't doing much to get sales up (I mean at minimum they need to do a price decrease) and iOS is already popular and already has a lot of games (sure, they're not as good quality but they're cheap, most

Easy, MS's system doesn't allow for true non DRM. For one thing, it is mandatory to be online once a day, period. The publisher doesn't get to set that. They already have it set that you can only sell at set retailers, that also is beyond the publisher's control. I'm not even sure if the pubisher has a say on being

I wouldn't have a problem with Microsoft's Live if they only charged for multi player cause I assume they are running the servers.

The reason I won't give them a dime for Live is because they want to charge me extra for Netflix (and other such app/services). They dont' provide that service for me, they don't provide my

I don't know why EA bothered to even make a statement, no one is going to believe them whether they are telling the truth or not.

As some one who tends to be sucky at games that's pretty awesome to have a support role. I don't tend to play multiplayer cause with co-ops I'd probably just piss people off with my incompetence and with against each other I'd just die a lot (and that just gets unfun after a while. And I still feel bad cause I'm not

It's not an exclusive, far from it honestly (apparently even going to have a Mac version... in fact Nintendo, Linux, and smartphones seem to be the only thing it's not coming out for).

No, PS 4 is (both the number 1 spot and number 3, number 1 by the sold out first edition model which don't even ask me why Amazon has two models for the PS4, far as I know Sony only announced one). xBox has number 2 for their first edition model and the standard model is now #7 (behind the PS4 controller). And in the

I really get the impression though that MS does not have many available to sell. Mainly from various people talking to Gamestops and it seems most say they are getting in 10 (and getting a lot more PS4s ). Selling out does not necessarily mean it is doing well, could just mean there aren't that many (and it could make

I love my Vita. I'm also with the author here. I'm really annoyed at Sony because they really aren't even trying to get it popular. And yes, it has a lot of games. But they either aren't good, or can be played on another console. Hell, you can use it to play PSP games, or you can buy a cheaper PSP (new) to do the same