
So instead you'll mandate that the game requires online functionality to be on the xBox? That's great if that was what the developer had in mind, but that's kinda stupid if the developer had a single person player in mind (and there are people who prefer single player games and some people who want both depending on

I have a decent internet connection. I will not be buying a game device that won't let me play games solely because it has to check I bought them at all times (it's different if for game functionality, like MMORPGs, requires online to be playable). If nothing else, it's the principle. I should not have to rely on my

Please tell me you are being facetious... Otherwise *facepalm*

I have good internet connection. But it does go out every now and then. And I don't enjoy multiplayer games. So why should I be hampered when internet goes out solely cause MS is too frikkin lazy to find a better way to do DRM that doesn't inconvenience me? They don't deserve my money if they can't be bothered to

Shoot, I live in Seattle, I get good internet connection, and I can easily understand why I would not want a device that requires me to be online all the time when it could easily do what I want without that online connection. Even in good areas internet goes out every now and then. And personally, that's when I

So this guy's analogy that being upset about always having to have internet to use your xbox is like being upset that you always have to have electricity to use your vacuum cleaner shows how clueless he is. If he had a clue he would liken it to being upset that you could not use your vacuum despite their being